Part 4 *12+*

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After some time, Leon was walking home from the park, until Lara walked up to him and walked with him.

Lara: That bad, Mm?

Leon: Lara, enough okay I've already got Violetta mad at me because I got to kiss you, don't make it worse.

Lara: Ouch, look just because your wife is mad at you doesn't mean you can talk to me like that.

Leon: I will talk to you like this because you and I are just friends Lara, nothing is going to happen between us what we had is gone now.

Lara: I'm sure Pablo would be happy to hear that, oh, wait he still wants you to kiss me.


Lara: You know what Leon? Violetta kissed Diego when you were dating for a show and you're doing the same with me but guess what we're not going to fall in love like them two did.

Leon: So, what's your point?

Lara: My point is she should trust you more as you trusted her.

Leon: Yeah, but that's the thing with Violetta doesn't trust me because she always misunderstands things.

Lara: Then maybe you need a girl who's not going to misunderstand things.

Leon: No, because Violetta does it because she loves me, but I better get home because I need to set up the sofa since I'm sleeping on it.

Lara: You're sleeping on the sofa? What? Why?

Leon: So, I don't s*x Violetta up because she's disappointed with me.

Lara: I would love you to s*x me up Leon.

Leon: Tough, I'm going home.

He left and went home to see Violetta standing in the kitchen daydreaming and crying, when he walked into the kitchen, she wiped her tears and carried on cooking smuggling.

When Leon walked up to her and took her into his arms, and she broke down into his chest and held him tightly.

Leon: *Strokes her head* Shh, it's okay.

Violetta: I'm sorry I didn't mean to treat you like that; I'm just scared that you might fall in love with Lara.

Leon: Baby, I'm not going to fall in love with anyone else, but you I'm married to you I don't want anyone else.

Violetta: When are we going to be able to stop arguing about everything?

Leon: I don't know when we're old and grey and can't argue any longer without losing our breath. *He smiled*

Violetta: *Laughed* You're so funny.

Leon: Come on baby, I'm trying to cheer you up here.

Violetta: I know what can cheer me up.

Leon: What? And no, I'm not having s*x with you.

Violetta: Please Leon I need your body.

Leon: Tough, I am not s*xing you up Violetta we have a child to feed, let's cook pizza for Leonardo and us.

Violetta: My dad and Angie are coming over.

Leon: What? Why?

Violetta: Because they want to see us, why else?

Leon: Baby, I'm not in the mood for your father and Angie right now.

Violetta: Well, you better get in the mood for them, because they are coming for dinner and you are going to be on your best behavior, right?

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now