Part 13 ~

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After they had breakfast Leon was looking after Leonardo, while he was reading a magazine and Violetta was talking to Angie about her tutoring her again.

Angie: Are you sure? Do you want to start tutoring again?

Violetta: Yes, I do Angie

Angie: Shouldn't you talk to Leon about it first, so he knows that he must look after Leonardo?

Violetta: I'll tell him tonight but please, Angie.

Angie: Okay, we start tomorrow early morning come here at 8 am and I will only do it if you turn up on time and focus and do well in your studies.

Violetta: You got it, Angie, I will come on time, and I will focus and take it seriously.

Angie: Then I'll do it.

Violetta: Yay, thank you but I and Leon should be getting home with Leonardo because I need to talk to Leon.

She and Angie walked to the living room and saw Leonardo with Herman and Leon was reading the motocross magazine.

Violetta: Leon, honey you ready to go home?

Leon: Yeah, Leonardo, go pack your stuff

Leonardo: Where are we going?

Leon: Home buddy

Leonardo: You mean I can come home with you?

Leon: Yeah, go pack your stuff

Leonardo went upstairs and packed all his stuff and Leon cleaned Leonardo's mess and Leonardo came down with his stuff and they were driving home, and Leonardo was playing a game with his headphones, so Violetta and Leon were talking.  

Leon: Babe, you, okay?

Violetta: Leon, you need to look after Leonardo tomorrow.

Leon: Why?

Violetta: Because I've asked Angie to tutor me again.

Leon: Baby, you don't need to be tutored again.

Violetta: I do, Leon.

Leon: Baby, seriously and if you did which subject do you need to be tutored in?

Violetta: Maths?

Leon: Well, I can teach you maths, that's easy.

Violetta: You know math?

Leon: Well, duh it's not rocket science.

Violetta: No, I think I trust Angie to teach me because knowing you, your maths lessons might be in bed with you then I'll never learn.

Leon: Baby, seriously I can teach you Maths.

Violetta: Okay, I'll give you a week if I don't learn anything then I will go with Angie.

Leon: You got it.

Violetta: But, what about Leonardo?

Leon: Babe, he's going to be in school so we will be able to focus.

Violetta: Okay, Angie, give me the things she uses I was supposed to take them in the morning.

Leon: Well, tell her you going to give me a chance and if my way doesn't work then you can go with Angie

Violetta: Okay.

They got home and Leonardo was on the sofa still playing his game and still had his headphones in and Violetta was talking to Angie she agreed with the agreement.

Leon: Well, what did she say?

Violetta: She thinks it's a good idea to give you a chance.

Leon: You'll be fine, baby.

Violetta: I hope so.

Leon started making food for the family and they ate and then relaxed for a bit and Leon was trying to get Leonardo's attention.

Leon: Leon, it's time for bed.

Leonardo: But dad I'm still doing this level.

Leon: Tough, you got get up early tomorrow give me the game and go up to bed.

Leonardo handed him the game and went up to bed and Vilu and Leon were kissing on the sofa and then went up to bed and fell asleep.  

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 


Can Leon tutor violetta?
What about Herman is he still working with Esmeralder?
Is Leon going to still do the music video?
Find out in the next part of sequal of our children future
I hope your enjoying my book
and we will see you later in the next part
I love you all ❤❤❤

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