Part 21 ~

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The guys left so Leon and Violetta were cuddling while Violetta was just stroking his abs for a little while.  

Leon: Babe, you're going to turn me on if you keep stroking me.

Violetta: I can't help it, you're so sexy. 

Leon: *Pokes her nose* Not as sexy as you. 

Violetta: Leon, who's looking after Leonardo? 

Leon: Your dad and Angie.

Violetta: Shouldn't go home?

Leon: No, I'm fine baby.

Violetta: But don't you need to eat?

Leon: I can't leave you, Violetta.

Violetta: Baby, I'm not going to let you starve go home and eat and rest I'll be fine you can see me tomorrow please Leon, I don't want you in here for lack of eating please Leon.

Leon: Okay, I'll go but ring me if you need anything.

Violetta: Leon, baby you're the first person I'll call.

Leon: *Got up and puts his shirt on* Okay, baby I'll see you tomorrow.

Leon left to pick up Leonardo but landed up staying for dinner.

Leon left to pick up Leonardo but landed up staying for dinner

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Angie: So, how's Violetta?

Leon: She's good just resting.

Herman: Did you leave her alone?

Angie: HERMAN!!!

Leon: I didn't want to leave her but she insisted I come home and get something to eat because she doesn't want me in the hospital for not eating so I came home but I'll see her tomorrow and I'll take Leonardo with me so she can see him.

Angie: Well, you're welcome to stay here tonight.

Herman: Yeah, you can sleep in Violetta's room.

Leon: Yeah, thank you.

Herman: Okay, well Leonardo should go to bed now.

Leon: I'll take him.

Angie: Herman, let Leon take his son to bed.

Herman: But, I always take him to bed.

Leon: Yeah, but he's, my son.

Herman: Okay, fine you can put him to bed.

Leon went up to Leonardo's room but he wasn't there so he could hear music, so he went into Violetta's room and saw him playing a keyboard and it was a beautiful melody and he leaned on the door frame and just watched him and then he stopped and heard clapping behind him when he turned around, he saw Leon and he ran at him, and Leon bent down on legs and Leonardo hugged him tightly.

Leon: Hey baby boy *Pulls away from him* You, okay?

Leonardo: I missed you and mommy when can mommy come home?

Leon: She'll be home very soon.

Leonardo: I miss her, daddy.

Leon: I know, but you'll see her tomorrow.

Leonardo: Okay, can I sleep with you tonight?

Leon: Okay, get ready for bed while I get a drink.

Leonardo: Can I have a drink as well?

Leon: Sure.

He went downstairs while Leonardo was getting ready for bed Herman and Angie were already in bed, then the door went, so Leon answered, and it was Clemont he walked in without Leon giving him permission.

Leon: Dude, it's late, what are you doing here?

Clemont: How's Violetta?

Leon: Look if you want to know how she is she'll be home tomorrow okay?

Clemont: Is she home yet?

Leon: No, not yet look I don't know what you're doing here currently but it's very late.

Clemont: Look Violetta is a close friend to me, and I don't like her being in that hospital.

Leon: Look, okay, yes, I get that, but she'll be fine.

Clemont: See I think your lying.

Leon: What?

Clemont: I don't think you're telling the truth.

Leon: She's fine, Clemont, now please leave I must get some sleep.

Clemont: Fine but I'm going to see Violetta tomorrow.

Leon: Okay, fine.

He then got drinks and went up to bed and slept till morning. 

A/N: ~ 

Thank you for reading. 

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