Part 7 ~

506 13 6

Leon's Pov ~ 

I woke up and I saw Violetta sleeping on her side faced away from me so I leaned over and stroked her hair and I started to kiss her earlobe I could feel her laughing because I was tickling her, I went down to her neck while my hand went up to her top and I couldn't feel her bra so I fiddled with her breast for a bit as I could feel her hand go down to my back, but she was still facing away from me.

Until I moved and she turned to face me as we kissed my hand was stuck on her breast, so I pinched them. Violetta rolled on top of me, I took her top off and she moved her chest near my lips, so I could kiss her, as she started grinding me, she was loving it, so much she was doing it harder.

But we needed to stop because Leonardo could walk in at any moment, so Violetta laid down on my chest and I put my arms around her and kissed her head and rested my head on her head and she cuddled up with me so now I couldn't move.  

Leonardo: *Shouts* Daddy, you came back.

Leon: Shh, your mom's asleep, of course, I came back I can't leave my family.

Leonardo: *Puts his head on his shoulder* I would miss you too much.

Leon: *Rested his head on him and hers* I would miss you too as well, buddy.

Leonardo: Mommy's being lazy.

Leon: Shh, she didn't sleep very well.

Ludmila walked in shouting at Violetta for stealing her clothes and said something about Leon.


Leon: Will you keep your voice down? Can't you see Violetta is asleep?

Ludmila: Well, she should be up by now it's 8 am.

Leon: Look just because you're up too doesn't mean she's going to be up, right?

Ludmila: Don't give that I can do what I like.

Leon: Get out, Ludmila she's sleeping.

Violetta: *Mumbles* Leon?

Leon: Shh, baby go back to sleep.

Violetta: Don't talk to Ludmila like that.

Leon: Okay, I won't talk to her like that again I just didn't want her waking you up, baby.

Violetta: I know, but I don't like hearing you argue with Ludmila.

Leon: Baby, why don't you sleep on the bed, while I feed Leonardo.

Leonardo ran downstairs for breakfast, but he had to wait for Leon because nobody was up.

Violetta: No, I want to sleep on you.

Leon: Okay, how about this I feed Leonardo, and then I'll come back up for you to sleep with me okay?

Ludmila: I will get her up by the time you'll be up.

Leon: Then Ludmila you go feed our son.

Violetta: Ludmila, go pest Naty and leave me alone, would you?

Ludmila: Okay, I'll go.

She left to find Naty and Violetta held on to Leon tightly.

Leon: Baby, I'll be right back just let me feed Leonardo.

Violetta: How do I know you're not going to leave me?

Leon: Babe I'm in my boxers for God sake, where can I go?

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now