Part 3 ~

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Violetta sat crossed legs watching Leon sleeping and he knew she was staring at him, so he put his arm on her legs and stroked them.

Leon: Stop staring at me, baby.

Violetta: I love staring at you when you are asleep.

Leon: You're just a creep.

Violetta: I am not a creep, Leon.

Leon: Course you're not baby.

Violetta: Don't say it like that, you know how I don't like you saying it like that.

Leon: Say it like what?

Violetta: Don't worry. *Cuddles into his chest*

Leon: *Puts his hand on her back and rubbed her back* I got to get up because I got rehearsal with the boys.

Violetta: Tough, you're with me.

Leon: Yeah, but we got a music video coming up, so we need to concentrate on that.

Violetta: What music video? You didn't tell me you were doing a music video.

Leon: Well, it's only now come up I only now know about it.

Violetta: Will there be girls?

Leon: NO!!! baby just me and the guys.

Violetta: So, no dancing girls?

Leon: No, baby.

Violetta: You better not be lying to me.

Leon: I will never lie to you.

Violetta: Yeah, okay.

He got up after Violetta got off him and she looked at his bare a*se, while he was putting his cotton brief boxers on, and Violetta put her hands around his boxers and put her hand in them feeling his c**k which made him groan but he had to stop her before it got too far.

Leon: Not now baby, I got to go.

Violetta: Great, what am I going to do?

Leon: Take Leonardo to the park or something?

Violetta: Fine, but you *Points to his chest* better not kiss any girls.

Leon: Who am I going to kiss? Baby, I'll meet you at the park later.

Violetta: Okay, text me when you're on the way to the park.

Leon: You got it, baby girl, I'm leaving.

Violetta: But you haven't had any breakfast.

Leon: You were my breakfast. *Kisses her forehead*

Leon left and went to his garage where the boys were, and they were annoyed with him because he was late.

Broduey: Where have you been? You're late.

Leon: Sorry, Violetta wanted me to stay in bed with her because she misses me.

Maxi: Well, you see her every day now let's get back to the meeting, please.

Pablo: Okay as I was saying you will have girl dancers and Leon as the main singer you will have to kiss a girl at the end of the music video.

The guys scoffed.

Federico: Violetta's not going to be happy.

Broduey: Yeah, but she kissed Diego during the youmix show. so, he can do it back to her.

Leon: No, Pablo I can't kiss another girl, Violetta would kill me.

Pablo: Look, it's a fictional kiss it's just for the video.

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now