Part 9 ~

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Violetta woke up to her phone ringing she answered it and Leon was fast asleep but he let go of her so she could move, but Violetta had his hand and was playing with his hand, while she was on the phone.

Phone conversation ~

Violetta: Hello?

????: Is this Violetta?

Violetta: This is she who is this?

????: It's Clemont.

Violetta: Oh, hi what do you want?

Clemont: Did I wake you?

Violetta: Kind of yes.

Clemont: Well, I was hoping we could meet later and get a coffee together.

She didn't answer and he could feel her shaking and she leaned down for the bowl, but she couldn't so Leon grabbed the bowl for her and rubbed her back again and she threw up and she started crying and Clemont was still on the phone hearing all of this.

Leon: It's okay baby.

Violetta: Leon, Clemont want me to meet him for a coffee, but I don't think I'm well enough to go

Leon: Then tell him.

Violetta: Can you tell Him?

Leon: No way baby because I will say it the aggressive and jealous way it's better if you do it.

Violetta just hanged upon him and cuddled into Leon crying but Leon had the bowl in his hand.

Leon: Babe, maybe you should stay in bed today.

Violetta: Will you stay with.... *Threw up*

Leon: Babe, the bowl, not me.

Violetta couldn't hold it Leon put the bowl beside her and calmed her down.

Leon: You got sick on me, but it's okay you got the bowl.

Violetta: I'm sorry, Leon.

Leon: It's okay, baby.

Violetta: Can you stay with me?

Leon: Yeah, I'm just going to have a shower and then I'll be back, Okay?

Violetta: *Grabs his hand* No, please I don't want to be on my own.

Leon: Baby, you have the bowl.

Violetta: Please, Leon don't leave me.

Leon: Violetta, I'll be in and out.

Violetta: Okay, I'll try and rest.

Leon: Keep the bowl near you.

Violetta: Okay.

Leon got in the shower and got out and went to Violetta who was asleep, so Leon got changed and went downstairs and the door went.

Leon: Oh, Clemont when are you going to leave us alone?

Clemont: You told me I could see Violetta today.

Leon: Well not 9 am she's still asleep and she's not well.

Clemont: *Grabs his collar* what have you done to her?

Leon: *Grabs his hands and pushed him off him* Look Clemont I don't know what you're doing here, but if you want Violetta you're going to have to wait until she wakes up.

Clemont: Fine, I'll sit here and wait for her to come down those stairs.

Leon: I'll go tell you're here.

Sequel Our children are in our hands. *Leonetta Story* Book 2Where stories live. Discover now