What's in a name

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        For the last week of the tour aurora had a stomach virus that just wouldn't stop. She still played shows and forced Gatorade and water and chicken soup down but she was weak and glad tonight was the last night of the show. Her new hairdresser friend a.j. did her hair and makeup just the way she liked it. Even though her mother thought it was slutty.   She put on her rosary beads and went out onstage.  She would at times run behind the curtain and throw up.  Wipe her mouth and keep going.  Eventually the show was over ,everyone took a bow. And just as they walked backstage aurora collapsed into her husband's arms. They rushed her to the hospital where the doctor said she was dehydrated and exhausted ,they would like to take some blood to check how bad It was,but first they would hook her up to an i.v.  jayce held her hand as Arizona sat in a chair watching everything .  She was extremely concerned. She still had on her stage outfit and makeup. "You know it's funny.." Arizona said.."none of us have gotten sick..just you.." "Well thank you for noticing mama..." She snapped. "Aurora..no need to get mean..I know your sick but calm down ok..jesus.." aurora gave her stink eye..
                             The doctor came in after about ten minutes sitting down.. "Well we know you were severely dehydrated ,but we also know the cause now and so congratulations aurora ,you're pregnant and it looks like you're about 4 weeks along. Aurora burst out crying ,Arizona hugged her and so did jayce.  "We recommend a few things for nausea but we can also give you a prescription.
                   2 hours later the discharge nurse unhooked her i.v. And gave her some medication and also a reccomedation for some o.t.c. preggy pops.  They scheduled her sonogram with the obgyn, and sent her home.  Everyone was elated. 

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