Lets Squash It.

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Jay's POV in the Closet

"Chris I can't do this.." I said after we heard the door shut. His girlfriend and her residents finally left.

"Jay just hear me out." He said as he tried to grab my hand. I snatched away and I gave him a "back off" look.

"Chris you are stressing me out! I'm already late for my first surgery here! I can't have this conversation with you right now." I said as I walked to the door.

"Jay baby... please can we just squash this? We're adults now, this is childish." He said as I scoffed and I turned around to look at him.

"We can't squash any of this when your girlfriend is walking and prancing around the hospital... and stop calling me baby. I already told you that you lost that privilege years ago." I said before shaking my head and walking out.

The nerve of him... As I was walking, my pager went off. I took it out of my pocket, and it was Trey. He was paging a 9-1-1, that's normally a code for an emergency.

23 Minutes Later in Chris' POV

"Dr.Brown, are you ready?" Moniece asked me as I shook my head yes.

"It's a good day to save lives... lets get in and let's get out quickly. Scalpel please." I said as one of the nurses handed me the tool off of the table.

"Alright guys let's remove a tumor." Moniece said with a smile as she looked up at the viewing room.

I started to cut the skin on the patient's head until Mo nudged me gently.

"Why is the chief in here? He normally only pops in on extravagant surgeries. He's seen you remove tumors thousands of times." She said as I shook my head.

"He's trying to make sure I'm focused. He's still trying to discuss the situation with Dr. Manali." I said subliminally, so the nurses wouldn't be nosey. Even though they catch on to everything.

"Well, I'm sure everything is gonna be okay. Somebody hand me the drill." She said as I let out a sigh. The fact that it's only 10:20 a.m. I still have the rest of the day to go.

Dr. August's POV

"We gotta make this quick cause I gotta patient ta' see." I said as I took my shirt off.

"But, I don't wanna quickie..." She said as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Girl either ya want it or ya don't. We're still at work, so you gotta get it while you can." I said as she rolled her eyes and she took off her pants.

This and sleeping is normally what takes place in the on-call room. Since I'm not in a relationship, I just been havin' a lil fun around the hospital. Today, it's with one of the nurses.

She walked up to me and she kissed me hungrily.

"Dang girl, hol' on nah." I said as I tried to maneuver my pants off without breaking the kiss... until my pager went off.

"Ughhh turn that thing off!" She semi-yelled as I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"Girl you really are trynna get me fired." I said as I pulled it out of my pocket. It was a 9-1-1 from Trey. I wonder what happened.

"August! Trey paged a 9-1-1------" I heard Zoey say as she busted in the door. If you didn't know, she's Chris' girl friend. We both work in the Cardio-thoracic department.

"Dang, you don't knock?" I asked as the nurse I was with started squealing and grabbing her clothes.

"August hurry up! Trey needs our help... and put some freakin' clothes on! The both of you! This is a hospital for crying out loud!" She semi-yelled as she slammed the door.

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