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*8 years later*

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Vicki screeched as she ran down the stairs in nothing but a towel.

Jaxson was running ahead of Vicki, her clothes in hand, laughing like a maniac. I laughed as Jaxson collided with Finnegan's chest. He glared up at Finn, taking a step back. Finn glared back at him and tore Vicki's clothes from his grip. Finn growled causing Jaxson to growl back, both guys ready to shift.

"Boys!" Anna barked from the top of the stairs. "Enough. James and Sage will be home any minute and I don't think James will be too happy if he comes home to the both of you fighting. Vicki, why are you wearing a towel?"

"Jaxson stole my clothes," Vicki stated.

"Jaxson." Anna sighed.

"Sorry Anna, I just couldn't let her get away with setting my bed on fire," Jaxson whined.

"Well then taking her clothes is a pretty weak way of getting back at her." I laugh as I put my empty bowl of cereal in the sink.

"I know but still, she set my fucking bed on fire." Jaxson groaned.

"You got a new one didn't you?" Finnegan questioned.

"That's entirely beside the point." Jaxson scowled.

I laughed again as I walked upstairs to take a shower and change into some clothes that weren't a pair of sweatpants. Opening my bedroom door, I came to a complete standstill.

"You have got to be flipping kidding me!" I groan as I take in the state of my room. "Not again!"

"Quinn!" I shout, not in the mood for this. "Get your ass in here!"

Quinn pops her pink head out of her room and looks in my direction before stepping out.

"What's up to Cassie?" She asks. "Did Vicki or Jaxson trash your room again?"

"No," I state. "But your freaking Charmander did!"

"Kevin is not a Charmander!" Quinn states, clearly offended. "He's an iguana."

"Quinn, he looks like a mini dragon without wings, " I growl. "And he destroyed my room again."

"Okay, okay." Quinn laughs. "I see your point. I'll go put him back in his tank and clean your room while you take a shower." Quinn orders. "You look like shit."

"Thanks, Quinn, that's a great way to boost a boys confidence." I smile, walking into my room to get some fresh clothes.

"Your welcome." She smiles as she picks up Kevin and walks out of the room to put him away.

I don't understand how one little iguana can make such a big mess. I look over at the bed on the other side of the room. It's been empty for about three months now. Around the same time, Dayna went missing and Sage and James went to look for her.

I haven't slept properly since Sage left either. The nightmares have been getting worse. Have been since before he even left. The two of us had shared a room since I got here and I can't remember the last time I fell asleep without Sage in the room. He knows how to calm me down when I have a panic attack.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I grabbed clean clothes from the closet and rushed to the shower before anyone else could get there before me. Fortunately, nobody was even headed towards the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me, double checking it was locked. I pulled my clothes off and jumped in the shower, not even bothering to wait for the water to heat up.

I gasped in shock as the cold water hit my skin, small droplets ricocheting off of my body, hitting the walls surrounding me. The water finally heated up and I feel all the tension and stress leave my body. I'd been so stressed out, I didn't even know what I was stressed about. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep.

I smiled to myself, knowing I'd be able to sleep properly when Sage came home. Maybe Dayna will be with them. Maybe she won't be.

My smile faded as I remembered why Sage had left in the first place. Dayna. We all missed her so much. Finnegan the most.

I turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing my towel from the towel rack.

I couldn't even begin to imagine how Finn must be feeling. Dayna's his mate. He'd been in a foul mood ever since she disappeared. I would be too if my mate disappeared. I guess that's his way of releasing his anger and stress. Taking it out on everyone else.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my dirty blonde hair out of my navy blue eyes. Quinn was right. I did look like shit. The bags under my eyes seemed darker than they'd ever been. I looked as if I'd never slept a day in my life. I seemed paler. Tired.

As I finished drying myself off and pulling on my clothes my phone beeped. I grabbed it and saw I had a text from Sage.

Sage: Hey, sorry I didn't text or call you back. I was busy.

Cassiel: Too busy to answer your own best friend? Rude much!

Sage: Come on Cassie, you know how stressed Dad and I have been looking for Dayna.

Cassiel: And you don't think I haven't been stressed? I can't remember the last time I slept or had a good night's sleep. Not to mention I've been putting up with Finnegan's foul mood, Jaxson and Vicki's bullshit, Quinn stealing my clothes, and how could I forget that FLIPPING iguana!!!

Sage: What do you mean you can't remember the last time you slept?

Cassiel: Really that's all you're gonna take from that?

Sage: Answer the question, Cassie. Are you having nightmares again?

Cassiel: Yeah.

Sage: I just got Dad to pull the car over. Meet me at the hideout in 5.

Cassiel: But what about Anna? She's been anxious to see you both walk through the front door since you left.

Sage: I'm sure she can wait one more hour.

Cassiel: Fine I'll see you there.

Sage: See yah.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and rushed out of the bathroom towards the top of the stairs. I had to sprint if I was going to make it there in five minutes. Sage may have been twenty minutes away but that wouldn't stop him from getting there before me. He is a werewolf after all. And me. Well, I'm as human as they come.

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