Twenty Two

63 12 2

*new cover above*

"Sage has got to be the dumbest werewolf I've ever fucking met!" Fabian raged, slamming his palms down on the steering wheel.

He was racing down an empty highway, going three times the normal speed limit. He flipped his lid when I told him that Sage had taken it upon himself to rescue Dayna solo.

"As worried as I am about Sage," I said. "I'm a little more worried about how Tiberius is going to react when he realises we're gone."

"Fuck Tiberius." Fabian spat. "He's a spineless piece of shit who needs to grow a pair."

"Hey!" I yelled. "I know you're stressed but taking your anger out on someone who isn't here to defend themselves isn't going to solve the problem at hand!"

"Right. You're right." Fabian sighed. "So what do we do?"

"Don't know," I shrugged. "I was hoping you had something."

"Fuck." Fabian groaned. "We're so fucking dead."

"It is a possibility." I laughed, reminding myself of the danger we were about to put ourselves in.

"That's not fucking funny." Fabian chastised. "You dying is not something I want to fucking think about right now."

I was silent as I watched the side of Fabian's face. He meant everything to me. Therefore, I wasn't willing to watch him die. I wasn't willing to watch any of my friends die. But I had this feeling in my chest. It was like someone had chained a cement block to my heart. I knew that at some point, I would have to watch someone I cared about die. And I knew I wasn't ready for the day that death came knocking on their door.

"Please stop looking at me like that," Fabian spoke quietly.

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Like you're afraid I'll drop dead if you so much as take your eyes off of me for five seconds." He replied. "I hate that look. Especially when it's on your face."

"I can't help it," I stated. "I'm scared of what's going to happen when we get there. I'm not ready to lose anyone."

"No one ever is." He said. "It has got to be the shittiest part about living in this world. No one is ever truly ready to lose a friend or loved one. Not even those who've lived for hundreds of years."

We stared at each other for a minute before he turned back to the road. Fabian knew the pain of loss as if it were a close friend. And no matter how many times he experienced it, it still hurt just as bad as the first time.


We pulled up a few hundred metres from an old rundown farmhouse. The house didn't look as if it should have electricity, but it did, the lights shining brightly from inside. Fabian switched off the car and sunk back into his seat. We didn't have a gameplan. We didn't have the slightest idea of what we would find inside that house. We didn't know what would happen to us. I wasn't eager to find out either.

"Before we go in there," Fabian spoke up. "I just wanted to tell you that you're the only person I consider family. And I'm grateful that you chose to sit with me on my first day when nobody else wanted to. And I just...I just want to say I love you. In case something happens to me. Or you."

Fabian was opening up emotionally, but putting up a front physically. He was ready for whatever was waiting for us inside.

"I love you too, Fabes," I replied, grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently. "You're my family. And I promise that I won't let anything happen to you. I've got your back."

He chuckled quietly. "It honestly surprises me that you weren't born a wolf. You have a lot more wolf in you than most wolves ever will. I know you've got my back, just like I've got yours."

I smiled as he released my hand, unbuckling his seatbelt and pushing open the door.

"Well, what are we waiting for." He grinned. "Let's go kick your not boyfriend's ass."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Another short one I'm afraid but it's only because the next one is going to be a long one. I am hoping to wrap this book up in a few weeks and then getting started on the next one.

Thoughts on the new cover? The old one was a bit boring so I changed it. I might be changing it again, I'm not too sure.

Anyways, thank you so much for 1.31k reads and 190 votes! It really does mean a whole heck of a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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