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Sage's POV

"Hey, how's Cassie doing?"

I turned to see Quinn with a worried look etched on her face.

"I don't really know, he hasn't let me in or left our room in three days," I mutter.

"Do you know why he's upset?" She asks.

"I don't think he's upset, Quinn," I say. "I think he's scared."

"Of what? It's not like we're gonna let anything happen to him! We don't even know what's going on!" She exclaims, throwing her arms in the air.

"I'm fully aware that you and the rest of the pack have no clue what's going on, but I'm not the one you should ask. Cassiel will tell you when and if he's ready." I say, looking over at the staircase, hoping to see Cassiel finally coming down them.

"Whatever," Quinn mumbles under her breath. "Have you seen Jaxson anywhere? He's taken off again."

"I'm right here." Jaxson laughs as Quinn jumps up off the couch and runs over to him, enveloping him in one of her bear hugs.

"Next time you go to walk out the door, tell me so that I know where you are and I don't have to worry." Quinn scolds him, a bright smile plastered on her face.

"You're cute when you worry though." Jaxson points out, laughing.

I wanted what they had. I wanted that so much. I'm eighteen now and I still haven't found my mate. My parents have been telling me to be patient and that I'll find my mate eventually, but it's starting to feel as if I'm waiting for something that will never come. And that's a feeling that doesn't sit well with me.

"Yeah maybe, but one of these days you might walk out that door and never come back," Quinn mutters, looking down.

"Hey," Jaxson says, cupping her cheeks and making her look at him. "If you're talking about Dayna, we're going to find her. We're going to bring her home. No matter what. And I'm not going to disappear either. Okay?"

A wave of sadness washed over me as I remembered the conversation with Finn four days ago. He couldn't sense Dayna anymore. He couldn't feel her aura. We hadn't told the pack yet. Except for Mum and Dad. Mum almost cried when Finn told her. I can't say I blame her. She'd been taking care of Dayna ever since her parents died in the crash. I wasn't even four when that happened. Dayna is practically my sister. Hell, she is my sister. We have to find her. We just have to.

"Okay," Quinn whispers.

"Come on. Let's go see what Vicki's up to. She may have killed Finn." Jaxson smirks. "See yah, Sage."

"See yah." I wave as they walk out of the room.

I lay on the couch a little while longer before I hear the doorbell ring and heave myself up from the couch. Just as I've made it halfway across the living room, I hear a door open and close upstairs. I turn to see Cassiel barreling down the stairs, yelling 'I've got it' as he rushes past me. So, I can beg for three days and he won't come out or let me in our room, but the second someone rings the doorbell he comes out like nothing ever happened. Typical.

"Cassiel! Where in the actual fuck have you been?" A guy's voice yells.

"Sorry Fabian, werewolf stuff."Cassiel laughs.

"Oh, no biggie then." The voice says. "So are you gonna leave me out here or are you gonna invite me in so we can get started on our history presentation?"

"Sorry," Cassiel apologised. "Come on in."

"Stop apologising before I rip your dick off and shove it down your throat." The voice threatens.

"Sorry." Cassiel laughs again.

A low growl escapes my throat. Who does this guy think he is? Oprah fucking Winfrey? Cassiel walks into the room, a short brunette following closely behind. He had a roundish face with a squarish jawline and a lanky sort of build. Odd combination. The thing that caught my attention though was his eyes. He had one ridiculously blue one and a honey hazel one. It was strange. But in a good way. I felt like I'd met him before, but I'm pretty sure I hadn't. Cassiel saw me staring and an emotion I couldn't identify flashed across his face. It was gone within seconds and Cassiel opened his mouth for the second time in days.

"Fabian, this is Sage." Cassiel introduced Fabian, giving me a bright smile. "Sage, this is Fabian, a friend from school."

"Nice to meet you, Sage, Cassiel's told me a lot about you," Fabian said politely.

"Really? Well, he hasn't mentioned you much, or ever." I spat.

Fabian's smile faltered for a moment before that same bright smile reappeared. I didn't think I liked this guy too much.

"Sage, don't be ru-" Cassiel started.

"No, Cas, it's fine." Fabian interrupted. "I'm used to rude pricks. You've heard some of the stories I've told you about my sister."

"I'm not a prick, you don't even know me," I say, frustrated.

"Well, that's funny because you don't know me either." Fabian laughed. "So I haven't really given you much cause to dislike me."

"I don't think I need a reason to dislike-"

"Sage!" Cassiel yelled. "Stop being stupid! Fabian is my best friend, so it would be really nice if you would gently remove the tampon from your vagina before I start saying things I don't mean!"

Fabian's smile completely disappeared after that. He glanced over at Cassiel before looking back over at me and giving me a sympathetic look. As if he was apologising for Cassiel's outburst. All of my anger slowly faded away.

"Sorry," Cassiel said. "I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"No it's fine, I had it coming," I replied. "I'll just head upstairs."

Cassiel nodded his head and I turned on my heel, walking away. I hadn't meant to get angry. But was it anger? Maybe it was just frustration. I mean, Cassiel hid from everyone in his room for three days, and suddenly, here comes Fabian, ready to save the day. But maybe it wasn't frustration. Maybe it was something else and I was just saying it was anger and frustration. Maybe it was jealousy. I don't know. All I know is I needed a shower to clear my head. Badly.




Usually, I make you guys wait two or more weeks for a new chapter. Not this week bitches!

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks for 62 reads and 11 votes. I'm honestly surprised I have that many. It may not be a lot, but it really does mean a lot to me.

So I'm not going to have a huge a/n unlike the last chapter so yeah. Same shit from the last one. If you need anything cleared up, contact me. If I make a mistake, contact me. If you have any suggestions, contact me. If you just want to say hi, contact me.

And be sure to let me know if you want me to publish a chapter with pictures of what the characters look like and if you want to know about them and their pasts.

Now I'm gonna go before I pass out. I haven't slept in a while. My fellow insomniacs will know what that's like.

Thanks for wasting your time on me!

~Daxton 🌈

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