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Sage pulled up at a gas station that looked as if it had seen better years. The landscaping needed to be maintained and the exterior of the building needed some fresh paint at least. But the lights were on so at least this place was semi-functional.

Fabian couldn't get out of the car fast enough, nearly snapping the car door off its hinges. I laughed quietly at Fabian's antics before following him out, Sage not far behind. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach as I followed Fabian into the gas station. I pushed it away, blaming the feeling on the old, uncared for look of the gas station's exterior.

"I'll fill up the car," Sage called out. "You guys get snacks. And don't forget the skittles!"

Fabian gasped in horror at the thought of even entering with the intention of buying anything but Skittles. Sage chuckled, shaking his head.

I turned to Fabian and we continued to walk inside. The second we were inside, Fabian was next to the snacks with a small wire basket.

"Go easy on the sweet stuff, Fabes." I chided. "We don't need you to have a sugar rush and then crash and burn after thirty minutes."

"I'm sure Sage wouldn't mind putting up with me for half an hour before I passed out," Fabian argued. "He's out there agreeing with me as we speak."

I looked over at Sage to see him nodding frantically, hands held in a begging motion, puppy dog eyes in place. I turned my attention back to Fabian to see the same lost puppy look on his face.

"Fine," I grumbled. "But don't go crazy."

"Please, Casanova." Fabian snorted. "Crazy is my metaphorical middle name."

"You're not funny." I deadpan. "You have never been funny."

"You're right, I'm not funny." Fabian grinned. "I'm hilarious."

I groaned in frustration, walking away into the next aisle to grab some drinks from the fridge.

"Could you grab a couple bottles of water?" Fabian chirped from the next aisle. "I don't feel like dehydrating."

"Sure," I replied. "I was going to regardless."

I grabbed the bottles of water as well as some soda before walking back towards Fabian. He met me at the end of the aisle and handed me the basket with the snacks inside of it.

"I'm just gonna head to the bathroom," He said. "Do you mind waiting for me?"

"I don't mind, I'll just go ahead and pay."

"Sweet," Fabian said, shooting finger guns and running off to the bathroom.

I turned and made my way to the cash register, gently depositing the basket and drinks on the counter.

"How are you today?" The young blonde girl behind the counter smiled.

"I'm good thanks," I smiled. "How about you?"

"I'm alright." She smiled politely.

She continued to scan the items as my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket. Anna's name and picture were flashing on the screen. I slid my thumb across the screen and answered it.


"Is Sage with you!?"

"Yeah, of course, he is. Didn't you know?"

"Of course I didn't know! I thought he'd gone and barricaded himself in the hideout after I told him you'd left! He promised me he wouldn't go after you!"

"Anna you should have known he would have followed me. He's my best friend. Practically my brother at this point."

"Cassiel Hart, you know that that is entirely beside the point! I worry about you out there on your own enough as it is, but now I have to worry about my son as well!"

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