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"So Cas, when are you gonna admit to Sage you've got the feels for him?" Jaxson said.

"What!" I exclaimed. "I don't have feelings for Sage!"

"Sure you don't." Jaxson laughed as he continued to skip rocks across the lake.

"What makes you think I do?" I mumbled, dropping a pebble into the water below.

"For starters, ever since Sage and James came back you've been sleeping pretty well. I'm starting to think you have separation anxiety when it comes to Sage." He laughed again." Then there's the way you're eyes light up when you see him. Not to mention the fact that you're always by his side."

"Okay first off, I hate cheesy romance so quit saying that my eyes 'light up' when I see him." I retort. "Secondly, I don't have separation anxiety, I just sleep better when Sage is around because of the panic attacks I get from the nightmares. He knows how to deal with them. You, on the other hand, wouldn't know what a panic attack was if it hit you in the face."

"Nah shit, I'm not prone to panic attacks." Jaxson grinned. "It's your job to panic for me."

"Stuff you Jaxson." I groan.

"I like this whole cussing thing you've got going on, it suits you." He said. "I also like how you completely avoided the last reason for why it's obvious you like Sage."

"Which was?"

"You're always by his side," Jaxson smirked.

"Of course I'm always by his side!" I yelled. "He's my best flipping friend!"

"Calm down, Cas, I was only joking." Jaxson chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "That doesn't prove you don't like him though."

"And how would you know?"

"Easy," Jaxson explained. "Quinn and I used to be best friends, then we turned sixteen and that was it."

"What do you mean that was it?" I asked.

"I mean, when a wolf turns sixteen they can find their mates."

"Well then, obviously Sage and I can't and don't like each other because I'm not a wolf, so Sage's mate is still out there." I smiled.

"Yeah, I guess that's true, but who knows, maybe you'll be a wolf someday." Jaxson fantasized.

"I don't think so." I laughed. "Well, I'd better go. I've gotta get to school and whatnot."

"Yeah, see yah, Cassie." Jaxson waved.

"Bye." I smiled, walking back towards the house.

It was only a twenty-minute walk back to the house but I was determined to make it a forty minute one. I couldn't take school anymore. Ever since the other students found out that I live with the Hart's, they've looked at me differently. Like I'm some sort of alien. It's not like I don't have friends. I do. It's just the way the other students look at makes me feel as if I'm back on the streets. And I hate that feeling. I honestly do.

I keep forgetting to talk to Anna about finishing school online. Like the girls from 16 and Pregnant do. Then again, I don't think Fabian would be too happy if I abandoned him. There's only about a month and a half of school left before the break. Besides I'm Fabian's best and only friend. I can't leave the not so little guy hanging.

I pick up my pace, deciding not to be late and hightail it to the house. I walk up the back patio steps and through the back door, into the kitchen. Anna's busy by the stoves cooking pancakes. James is sitting on the island drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. Such cliché parents. While Sage, Finn and Vicki are sitting at the dining table arguing about whatever. The only person missing is Quinn.

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