Twenty Four

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I'd lost track of time. I couldn't remember how long we had been down here for. Dayna's eyes had hardly opened, her chest rising and falling softly as she slept. Sage was being kept tightly restricted and heavily sedated with wolfsbane. He could hardly move his head from against the wall. And Fabian. He was pissed, to say the least.

The Fae hadn't given a name, but Fabian clearly knew her. It showed in the way he looked at her with a hatred that could only be described as personal. The fire that roared to life in his eyes whenever she entered the room should have been enough to set her alight. But it wasn't. She hadn't risked sedating him as she had with Sage, but she did manage to gag him without losing a finger or two. Although, she hadn't bothered with Sage and I.

"This is ridiculous." Sage slurred.

"How so?" I questioned.

"We're stuck in a basement and we don't know why."

"Really? You don't know why we're here?" I challenged, clearly frustrated.

"I'm afraid to ask."

"Then don't." I spat. "Because I can tell you why. We're stuck down here because you can't help yourself."

"What?" He asked.

"You can't help but try to be the hero. You've been doing it ever since we were kids. You always go off on these little adventures and do the right thing and make everything about you and your pack." I paused for a second, trying to calm myself but decided against it, I'd officially had enough.

I turned to look at Sage, fury coursing through my veins. "But guess fucking what, Sage! For once this shit isn't about you! Or Dayna! Or anyone else! For once this flaming pile of shit is about me and what I'm supposed to do! And I don't want to do it! I just want to go home and pretend that there is no prophecy, I have no brothers and there isn't a fuck ton of people trying to kill me!"

My chest heaved as I attempted to slow down my breathing, but it wasn't working. I'd been panicking for at least a few hours and I was starting to lose it. My thoughts were flying through my head a mile a minute and I couldn't pick them apart. I couldn't make sense of any of them. And I couldn't form them into words and spit them out. My voice wasn't working even though I wanted it too, I so badly wanted it to work. I couldn't see straight, it was like the world had faded out and I was stuck in my head with nothing but my thoughts. The thoughts that wouldn't shut up or make sense.

I felt like my head was going to explode. And I almost thought it did when it stopped. The thoughts, the heavy breathing. It all just went away. My vision refocused and my body went slack. The Fae was kneeling in front of me, her jade green eyes shining brightly, her once menacing smile replaced with a kind one. Her raven hair cascaded down her back and shoulders and I couldn't help but give her a slight smile in return.

She removed her hand and rose from her position in front of me. As she moved she took the calm her touch gave with her, leaving nothing but the simmering anger that had sat in my chest moments ago.

"You have your mother's eyes." She spoke softly.

"I wouldn't know, " I replied, deadpan. "She threw me away before I had the chance to remember her face."

"Well, she had beautiful eyes." She reminisced. "Probably the reason why your father fell for her in the first place. No idea why though. Your mother was nothing but a two cent whore."

I didn't understand why, but I felt nothing but rage as she talked about my mother, a woman I had never met as if she were nothing but trash.

She smiled at me again. "I see your wolf instincts are coming along nicely. Daddy would be proud."

Fabian let out a muffled snarl, warning her. She just laughed. "Come now, Fabian. You should have known I would find him sooner or later. You can't hide things from me, you've never been very good at it."

Fabian muffled angry words at her through the gag as he struggled against his restraints. "How do you know Fabian?" I questioned.

She shifted her gaze to me as she smiled again. "I'm not surprised Fabian didn't tell you about me. He was such a loyal little lapdog until he decided you were more important than me."

"What do you mean lapdog?" I spat, confused.

"Don't fucking listen to her!" Fabian exclaimed as he spat out the gag. "The bitch is fucking mental!"

Fury blazed in her eyes as she turned back to Fabian. She marched towards him and wrapped her fingers around his throat, hoisting him up off the ground and up into the air.

"Firstly, it's rude to call someone crazy while they're in the room." She hissed. "Secondly, why don't you be a good little omega mutt, shut up and do as you're told."

"How about you release the boy before I set you on fire from the inside out."

Her head snapped around to glare at Tiberius, who stood just inside the doorway, eyes blazing bright purple. Viserion and Rheagal stood by his feet, hissing at the woman.

"Seriously, Tiberius?" She laughed maniacally. "You brought your cats? What are they gonna do? Purr me to death!"

"No," Tiberius replied, mockingly. "They're going to shift into tigers and maul you to death."

The smile fell from her face, and Fabian from her hands, as the two familiars shifted and launched themselves towards her.


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Whoo! I'm almost done! Just three more chapters and then another book! It's honestly taken way too long for me to finish this one but it's too late to go back and fix my problems with updating so, oh well, moving on I suppose.

Thank you so so much for 1.45k reads and 220 votes! I know i say this every chapter but it really does mean a fuck ton to me!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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