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"I get the feeling Sage doesn't like me too much," Fabian said, grinning at his phone.

It had been almost two hours since the small... Whatever that was downstairs. I didn't really understand what happened. Was it a wolf thing? Or did they just not like the vibes they were getting from each other? They are two vastly different people.

Sage is quiet and sweet. Fabian is loud and too blunt and straightforward for his own good. But that's what makes him a great friend. He's honest and loyal. Sage is a good friend too. He's just not as honest with me as I wish he was.

"Yeah, why is that?" I ask. "Is it a wolf thing or something else?"

"I think it's more of a, 'you're a stranger, I don't trust you', sort of thing," Fabian explained. "Which could also be a wolf thing. But that wasn't the vibe I was getting from him."

"Well then, what vibe were you getting from him?" I say.

"Confusion, surprise, jealousy." He listed. "The list goes on."

"Jealousy?" I say on surprise.

"Yeah, he reeked of jealousy." He confirmed. "Sage clearly didn't like me being so close to you. I also think he knows I'm not in a pack."

"Why does it matter if you're in a pack or not?" I questioned. "And what could Sage possibly be jealous of?"

"He's either jealous because I'm a new guy he's never met who you're seemingly close with, or he likes you." He says. "As in more than a friend. And it matters whether I'm in a pack or not because I could be a rouge for all he knows. Which I'm not. I just like the whole 'lone wolf' gig I've got going on. I don't hate packs, I just prefer to be alone. I do a lot better on my own."

"I get the lone wolf thing," I say. "And Sage is probably jealous because of you being a newcomer and all. He doesn't like me like that. He doesn't even like boys, last time I checked."

"And when was the last time you checked?" Fabian smirked.

"Well... Never. But Sage would have told me if he liked guys," I protest. "We don't keep secrets from each other. It's an unspoken rule of ours."

"That may be true, but everyone is afraid of rejection, Cas," Fabian argued. "No matter how confident they may seem. That includes Sage."

"Whatever, can we talk about something else now?" I ask.

"Sure, no problem," Fabian says. "Well, there will be one if you and Sage don't talk about your feeling."

I glare at Fabian and he just laughs at me.

"I'm only joking, Casanova." He smiles. "Can we go outside? I haven't shifted for awhile and my back is starting to seize up."

"Sure," I say, standing up and walking to my door.

Fabian stands as well, following me. We exit my room and make our way downstairs. Fabian glances at me before opening his mouth.

"You mentioned you were having wolf problems." He said. "Do you mind if I ask what they were?"

"I'll tell you when we get outside," I reply.

Fabian nods his head in understanding. We make our way downstairs and stop just outside the door. Fabian turns to me.

"So where do I shift?" He asks.

"The closet over there," I say, pointing at the closet door. "Leave your clothes in one of the lockers. You can guess what you have to do afterwards."

"Yeah, got it." He says, grimacing. "There's blood on the walls isn't there?"

"We have it cleaned once or twice a month, but it hasn't been done this month as far as I know," I explain.

"Great." Fabian groans.

He walks to the closet, yanking it open. I smile, shaking my head at him, before heading outside. It had been three days since I'd left my room. It felt nice to be outside. I didn't realise how stuffy my room was until I'd left it. I headed towards the two egg-shaped swinging chairs and sat myself down in one.

Fabian followed me outside a few minutes later. His wolf form had always amused me. He had a funny way of walking. It was like a limp, but not really. Sort of like lopsided prancing. It gave his wolf a boyish charm which I thought suited him pretty well, considering it was a physical representation of who he was. A lonely teen who loved to have too much fun.

He walked his way over to me, laying down on a shady patch of grass in front of me. Fabian made a happy sort of whining noise as he stretched out on the grass, sitting back up when he'd finished. He nodded his head once, showing that he was listening. And I'm honestly surprised that his ears didn't fall off.

I told him about my dream and the events that occurred in it. I told him about the four boys who were supposedly my brothers. I told him their names and what they looked like. I told him about the woman's voice at the end of my dream. How she said all of their names, one at a time and they just disappeared as she said it. I told him about the Angel Blood Prophecy and the ritual that had to be performed. I told him about how my brothers were all wolves and I was born human. I told him about how I had to stay human until the ritual was completed. I told him about how there were people out there who didn't want the ritual to be completed. I told him how scared I was.

And he just listened. Nobody asked him to do that. Nobody asked Fabian to listen while I told him all my problems. Nobody asked him to sit with me on my first day of school and all the days that followed. Nobody asked him to be my friend or my best friend. He just did those things because he wanted to. And I will never be able to express how grateful I am for having the wonderful mess that is Fabian Sinclair, as my best friend.


Okay! Am I amazing or what?! Two updates in one week?! I must be losing my marbles!

But even more exciting news...



You guys are fucking amazing I swear! The fact that the number of reads jumped from 64 to 103 since the last chapter is fucking ridiculous! I love you guys, gal's and fridges so fucking much!

Anyways, if you wanna contact me for any reason just comment or private message me! I always reply even if it's not straight away!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!

~Daxton 🌈

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