Twenty Three

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Fabian's mismatched eyes glowed a deep gold and bright blue, his claws and fangs extended, leading us up the front steps and through where the door should have been but was actually lying haphazardly on the porch. Dirt and debris littered the small, cramped hallway. Fabian's head tilted slightly towards every creak and groan that resonated within the house's walls.

"Whoever owns this place definitely isn't here," Fabian whispered. "I can smell Sage and two other scents, but I can only hear two heartbeats. Barely."

I pushed ahead of Fabian, already knowing where I needed to go to find Sage and Dayna. I passed several doorways and rooms before abruptly stopping in front of one. I reached out and grabbed the handle, gently twisting it and pulling the door open. The stairs that led down to the basement were made of wood that was old and rotting.

The cold air that floated up from the room below caused the hair on my arms and back of my neck to rise, my skin breaking out in goosebumps. I knew what was down there. What I would find. Despite knowing this, I took one step down and another, Fabian trailing closely behind me. He was making a point of staying close by, ready to pull me away if anything were to suddenly jump out at us.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I came to a standstill. We were in the room from my vision, the door that contained a bloody and beaten Dayna was across the room, daring me to open it.

"Is Sage in there?" I whispered to Fabian, glancing at him over my shoulder.

He nodded in reply, stepping around me and moving towards the door, stopping a few metres away from it. He turned back to me, a confused look on his face. He sniffed at the air, growling quietly at the roof.

"What is it?" I asked quietly.

"Fae." He snarled, removing his jacket. "Get Sage and Dayna. I'll take care of the tree hugger."

I nodded quickly, scrambling towards the door as Fabian shifted, his bones popping out and rearranging, his flesh ripping apart to make way for the rearranging skeleton. Black and white fur burst through his skin as he dropped on all fours, tripping his way out of his pants. He shook himself before snarling again and racing up the stairs.

I didn't waste any more time, wrenching open the door and rushing inside. I slammed it shut behind me and turned to face Sage and Dayna. They'd both been gagged and tied up, their skin sizzling where the ropes touched their skin. Wolfsbane. Of course, how original. Sage was staring at me wide-eyed, whilst Dayna's eyes weren't open at all. Her head was resting on the wall behind her, her pretty blonde hair coated in layers of what I could only assume was her own blood.

I rushed towards Sage, pulling at the knots on his restraints. I loosened the rope on his wrists just enough for him slip his hands out, allowing him to tear his gag out. I moved to untie his legs when his hands roughly grabbed my face, pulling me towards him as he slammed his lips onto mine. Sage put everything he had into that kiss. His apology was what screamed the loudest. He'd never been good at apologising and I knew that this was the best he could do with what he had.

I kissed him back for a few more seconds before I pulled away. "We can talk about this later. For now, just untie yourself while I help Dayna."

Sage nodded as he set to work on the ropes on his legs. I gave him one last glance as I crawled over to Dayna, gently removing the bloodstained cloth from her mouth. Her eyes fluttered for a moment as if they were contemplating whether or not they should open before remaining closed. I was almost done loosening her restraints when the door burst open and Fabian was tossed into the room, his wolf form sliding across the floor, his body limp and unmoving when he finally came to a halt.

The woman who had tossed him into the room smiled menacingly as she strode further into the room. Sage growled as he charged towards her. The woman just rolled her eyes as she flicked her wrist and sent Sage soaring across the room, slamming against the wall. Much like Tiberius had done with Selena. She turned back to face me and smiled again as she moved to stand in front of me. I sat frozen in place as she crouched in front of me. She studied my face for a moment.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about." She stated. "You don't look like much. Hardly werewolf material. Oh well."

She clicked her fingers and everything went black.


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

I know, I know this was supposed to be longer but I decided to split it into two parts because I want to end the book at chapter 27 and I won't make it there if I don't split this one.

Anyways, thank you so my for 1.32k reads and 205 votes! It really does mean a heck of a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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