Twenty Five

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The Fae was doing a good job of fighting off the two familiars, throwing balls of light at them and dodging their attacks. What she wasn't doing such a good job of was keeping an eye on both familiars at once. She may have been one step ahead but it wasn't a very big one. Viserion and Rheagal were quickly gaining the upper hand.

"The three of you can't help running off on your own, can you?" Tiberius grumbled as he untied me. "Can't just stay put for five minutes."

"I'd apologize but this isn't exactly my fault." I leered. "Sage is the one who decided to go all lone wolf on us."

"So you're just going to put all of the blame on me?" Sage slurred, the wolfsbane starting to wear off.

"Yes the fuck I am!"

Tiberius looked up at me, shocked. "Did you just swear?"

"Yeah? And?"

"Nothing, it's just...I've never heard you say fuck before." Tiberius shrugged.

"If you hadn't noticed, Ti, Casanova over here is just a little stressed out so instead of talking about his cuss problem, how about you hurry up and untie him and come do me next!" Fabian shouted from across the room.

Fabian's shouting had gained the Fae's attention. She quickly spun on her heels and shot a ball of light towards Fabian, hitting him in the chest. He screamed in pain as the light bore into his skin. The Fae smiled smugly at Fabian's pain but had forgotten about the familiars. Tiberius had smiled at this.

"Hey, Faerie whore!" He called. "I probably should have mentioned that my fur babies have taken quite a shine towards Fabian! Don't be surprised if they try to kill you even more enthusiastically than before!"

The Fae's smile disappeared yet again as she turned back towards the snarling familiars. Viserion leapt forwards and swiped at her, leaving deep gashes on her face and neck. The Fae screamed as she threw light ball after light ball at Viserion.

The black-furred familiar hit the ground, howling from the pain the balls of light had caused. Rheagal growled at the Fae and charged her, knocking her to the ground and latching his jaws onto her neck, shaking his head as he ripped her throat to shreds.

Tiberius had moved across the room at this point, untying Fabian and taking care of his wounds. I'd focused my attention on Dayna, trying to loosen the ropes as gently as possible while hoping I didn't hurt her. As I loosened the last restraint and carefully removed the gag from her mouth, her eyelids opened a little, her icy blue eyes tired and bloodshot.

"Cas?" She whispered, her voice hoarse from the months she wasn't allowed to use it.

"Hey," I replied, softly. "It's okay. We're gonna get you out of here and take you home, alright. Just sit tight for a minute."

She nodded her slowly in reply, her eyes drifting shut again. I gently tapped her calf as I stood and moved towards Sage, kneeling in front of him to untie his wrists and legs. He kept staring at me while I untied him, making me feel uncomfortable.

I had taken my anger out on him. I know it made me seem like a hypocrite because I had yelled at Fabian when he had done it to Tiberius, but this was different. Sage had willingly put himself in danger, risking everything to get Dayna back on his own, even though we had agreed to go together as a group.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," I spoke as I untied him. "I'm not sorry for what I said, but I am sorry that I used you as an emotional punching bag."

"No, you were right to yell at me. And it's not like everything you said wasn't true. I do have a tendency to try and do things solo."

Before I could reply Tiberius and Fabian appeared behind me. Tiberius knelt in front of Dayna, healing her more severe wounds and checking her subconscious. Fabian knelt down next to me and glared at Sage.

"You ever take off like that again and I will beat you within an inch of your life," Fabian growled. "Not only did you scare the actual shit out of Cas and I but you missed out on having the talk with angel boy over here." Fabian cocked his head towards me and I felt my face heat up. Sage smirked but the disappointment was evident in his eyes.

"Is this your fucked up way of saying you care about me?" Sage joked.

Fabian quirked an eyebrow at Sage. "Obviously, are you fucking blind?"

The smile fell from Sage's face as Fabian laughed, standing up and walking away further into the room. Sage stared at me for a couple of seconds before shifting his gaze to Dayna.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

Tiberius nodded as he spoke. "She's going to be in and out of consciousness for the next few days but she'll be just fine."

"Hey, guys," Fabian called out, clearly concerned. "I think we have a slight problem."

We all turned to see the problem Fabian was talking about. Viserion and Rheagal had shifted back to their feline forms and were licking the wounds. Fabian was standing next to the pool of blood made by the Fae. There was really only one problem.

"Where the fuck is the body?"


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

So the is the third last chapter for this book and then I'll be starting on the second. I really am so excited to move on with the story and I hope you all are too!

Anyways, thank you so much for 1.66k reads and 228 votes! It means so fucking much to me that people are still reading even though it's taken me almost two years to complete this book!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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