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I could hear screaming from the house next door, it was getting extremely old and I was sick of hearing shouting from this boy's home.

It was so aggravating to the point where I was beginning to consider going to his house and pounding on his door, telling him to shut the fuck up.

After a while, I could hear him go silent and I decided it would be a wonderful time to go get the mail.

What could go wrong? I needed to do it anyways.

I wrapped myself in a blanket and made my way out into the winter afternoon. No socks, no shoes, nothing. Just my bare feet. That was a smart idea, Remy.

I instantly regretted my idea of not wearing shoes, but I proceeded to make my way to the mailbox.

"Hey, you're going to get frost bite!" I heard a voice shout at me as I looked down, pulling out mail.

Glancing up, I met eyes with a man who had the face of a twelve year old, but he was at least six feet tall, with an extremely deep voice.

"Why don't you mind your own business?" I asked, snarky.

"Well shit, no need to be rude. I assume you're the girl who lives here-" He proceeded to point to my house, "and the girl who I have, not seen once, leave the house."

He crossed his arms, looking down at me with a cocky smirk.

"So you're the motherfucker who's always screaming at the tops of his lungs at 2 am I presume?"

I crossed my arms and gave him the same smirk.

"That would be me, but I normally go by Niall-" He bent down to meet my face, "not that you would care. I have a good judge of character and just by the tone of your voice this entire time, I can tell you'd rather be inside, sulking in your own failed attempt at having a life, then be out here having actual human interaction."

His smirk, I wanted to slap it off of his fat fucking face.

"You wanna know what? Fuck you."

I began to toy with the locket that hung around my neck, it always calmed me down.

"You wish, I can also tell you don't get laid much."

The same fucking smirk, that was the only facial expression he would give me.

Adjusting my glasses, I came back with another remark. It was quite childish of me to go back and forth like I was, but I didn't give a shit.

"Yeah? Well I can tell you have either never had a girlfriend, or treated your last one like complete and utter shit and that's why she left you. You can't even talk to me without being a dick. I don't even know you!"

He was unfazed.

"I was just returning the favor of being an asshole. Next time, maybe you should put some contacts in, you'd look a lot less mean without those fucking librarian glasses."

I began to grit my teeth, my feet were frozen by now and I was sick of talking to this dude. He was such a fucking asshole.

"I knew I was right in hating you before I even met you. I wish I never did meet you!"

I heavily walked back to my front door, turning around before going inside and gave a last glance at that guy. I saw him talking to his friend, who had been holding a camera. They were laughing their asses off.


a/n: hey everyone !!!

my name is mars, and welcome to my wattpad story, i hope you're enjoying it so far.

i will try to update every other day, maybe i'll even try to update daily.

but please do keep in mind this is only my second attempt of an actual fan fiction that isn't a complete joke

all i've done is fuck around in the past and i really want to start writing and getting serious about it

but yeah !!

i really do hope you enjoy this story, i have a feeling i know where i'm going to take it.

on another note, i'm writing this about pyrocynical because there aren't many fan fictions that aren't... cringey about him on wattpad, so i'm trying to keep this as realistic and cringe-free as possible

that was cringey wasn't it?

oh well.

but yeah that's all for now!

i hope to update tomorrow :)

xoxo mars

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