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a/n: my dog just licked my foot and i screamed i thought she was a demon
and my stomach hurts so bad rip gotta love periods
anyways, let's get on with the story woot woot
also my power is out currently so i'm writing this without internet so that's why this will probably come out later than usual
sorry !!!


For some reason, I always get in these random moods to go to a bar and just get stone cold fucking drunk. It's random, but I'll just get bored and think about doing it. In which, I will- but sometimes it doesn't go so well. I get drunk so easily, then as I have more drinks, I become more and more vulnerable to people. I'm always scared I'll do something stupid, but I have to trust myself that I can still come to my senses if somebody tried doing something to me.

"Hey, wanna go get some drinks?"

I had texted my friend Emily and asked if she wanted to join me. She was a bit more of a responsible drinker, so I could trust her to keep me under control.

"yeah, sure! I'll be there in 20."

I got up off the couch and began to change into a more "bar appropriate" outfit. I slipped into a red dress that was pretty tight fitting, but it looked really nice. Then, I pulled my hair down and decided to wear it as was, straight. Once I had touched up my makeup, Emily was already knocking on the door.

"Coming!" I called out, stumbling as I tried to get my shoes on as I walked to the door.

I opened up the door and Emily was wearing a navy colored dress and black wedged heels.

"Ready?" She asked softly, motioning for me to grab my purse and get out of my house.

I nodded and grabbed the black michael kors purse that lied on my coffee table. Then, we finally left and called an uber, since it was obvious neither of us would be able to drive home.


We pulled up to the first bar and thanked the driver, getting out and seeing tons of people waiting to get inside. It was Friday, of course everybody was out partying.

Emily dashed towards the line and immediately started flirting with a guy, he was cute, but he seemed to be a lot older than us. He's probably around 26, but of course we're only 21. (a/n: yes i know niall is only 20 in real life and yes i know he lives in england but i wanted this story to take place elsewhere. it takes place in america, but you'll find out what state eventually ;) but i will eventually mention that niall moved to america from england, so he still has his beautiful accent don't worry friends)

"Hey, you're like, really cute." Emily twirled her hair as she batted her eyelashes at the guy, I don't think he was interested though.

"Thanks, you are too- but you're a little young." He chuckled and turned around. Emily crossed her arms in defeat and turned around to talk to me.

"So, Remy, have you seen any cute guys yet?" I began to look around and I didn't really see anyone, so I shook my head.

"Not yet, they'll come eventually." I reassured her, turning to face the bouncer and hand him my ID. Emily did the same, then, we went inside and were face to face with screaming people, couples making out, and a bunch of drunk girls dancing.

We made our way over to the bar and ordered what we wanted, I ordered a beer and Emily ordered a strawberry wine cooler. The bartender handed us our drinks, so our next step was boy scouting.

"Hey, that guy's cute! I'm gonna go talk to him." Before I could retaliate, Emily made her way over to the guy, leaving me standing by myself. I had a mental freak out, but I stayed calm and decided to try and find her.

I sipped my beer and began walking around, shouting Emily's name. It was no use honestly, she would never hear me. It was too loud in the bar.

I sighed and made my way over to a table, where I finished my beer and ordered another one, and another one, and another one.

By the time all these beers were down my throat, I was so drunk to the point where I could barely see straight. I didn't even really know what to do, I lost Emily and now I couldn't even make sense of things.

Then, somebody grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the dance floor. I cannot dance for the life of me, so dear God was I fucked.

I couldn't see the person, but they were quite tall. The person turned me to face them but I still couldn't make out what they looked like, it was way too dark.

We began to dance around really stupidly, until a slow song came on, in which the person put their hands on my hips, and I put mine around their neck. Who cares if I didn't know who they were yet? I was having fun, and that's what fucking mattered.

This person wasn't half bad at dancing actually, he was quite good from what I could tell, but then again, I could barely remember my own name.

"You're a good dancer!" I shouted.

"You're not so bad yourself." They shouted back with a laugh, and dear fucking god was his voice deep. He also- had an accent, which was weird considering-

"Niall?!" I shouted, my senses coming back only a little bit.

The person laughed again, twirling me once more. "Uh, yeah- did the voice give it away?"

I was too drunk to do anything, I didn't even think about the fact that I despised this guy. He was being so sweet, and that's what mattered.

"Le-Let's get drinks." I slurred at him, pulling him towards the bar. He ordered a beer and this time i ordered a margarita, since it was more ladylike than drinking a beer.


After many more drinks and a lot of laughing, I finally found Emily and she told me she was going back to that guy's house. I laughed in response, as drunk me has no brain most of the time.

I went back to talking, well slurring, to Niall. Talking may be a bit of an exaggeration.

"You look hot, like really fucking hot." He told me in his drunken state. Why did I buy into his bullshit?

Then, he kissed me. Drunk fucking Niall, had kissed me.

And the worst part?

I kissed back.

a/n: yo yo thanks for reading that's all ily all and sorry this chapter was trash rip


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