» 3

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"Next!" I shouted as I wiped down the counter in front of me.

Working at Starbucks is a really shitty job to have. Customers are rude, co-workers are always pissed off, and my manager is a complete and utter asshole.

I stood up at the cash register after tossing the rag under the counter. I didn't look up before I spoke.

"What can I get you today?" I glanced up and locked eyes with a man.

But- not just any man- my ex boyfriend, Darren.

I left him months ago, he was a dick. He didn't know how to treat me properly, one day I got so fed up and packed up my shit.

"Remy!" He exclaimed.

"What can I get you, sir?" I asked again, trying to ignore the conversation he was attempting to start.

"How have you been?" He wasn't giving up.

"Look, Darren. I have a shit ton of customers to get through, so either order or leave."

I crossed my arms, I fucking hated him. After all that pain he put me through, how could I not?

"Oh, I see you're still a fucking bitch." He replied coldly. I couldn't stand to look at that asshole.

"I am. Now get out of my face." I motioned towards the door. He gave me a look of disgust and made his way over to the door.



I placed my apron on my hook in the back room, collecting my phone and purse.

"Hey, Remy!" A voice called out, I already knew it was my boss.

"Yes?" I asked politely, I needed to stay on his good side as best as I could.

"Do you- Do you want to maybe go out to dinner tomorrow night?" I really wasn't interested, I didn't want to deal with him, let alone anyone. Dating hasn't been my thing for a while.

"Like- a date?" I asked, pretending to be clueless.

"Um- Ye-Yeah. A date." He was clearly nervous, I felt bad, but I was extremely uninterested.

"I'm really sorry- I can't. I- I- um- I have a boyfriend." It just slipped out! I didn't know what else to say.

"O-Oh..." He nodded and turned around, clearly hurt. He made his way out the door.



Finally pulling into my driveway, I turned off my car and just sat there- thinking.

What do I do if he wants to meet my "boyfriend"?

Seriously- what have I gotten myself into? I can't lose my job, it's my only source of income for god's sake.

I placed my forehead on the steering wheel to try and rid of the migraine that pounded at the back of my head.

"Fucking hell..." I whispered to myself, finally sitting up and opening up the door.

The winter air felt cold on my exposed arms, I had forgotten my jacket again. I never brought it with me to work out of habit, it just wasn't the first thing I remember to grab when I leave.

Rubbing my arms up and down, I walked to my front door. I dug in my jeans pocket for my keys- and like the idiot I am- I left them in my coat pocket, which was in my house.

"This cannot be happening." I buried my face in my hands and felt the urge to cry. Could this day possibly get any worse?

a/n: hey kids

sorry niall wasn't in this chapter, it was a bit of a filler

but i promise it'll have a purpose in the near future!

also, if you couldn't tell, whenever i put a "-" before a paragraph that means it's a time skip !!

i'm going to try and update later tonight, if not i'll update tomorrow for sure.

thanks for reading ma dudes !!

xoxo mars

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