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a/n: hey guys i'm back !! i logged on to wattpad a little bit ago and had tons of notifications saying people added this story to different reading lists. honestly i cannot thank you guys enough, it means the world to me :) so here's to another chapter



My alarm blared in my ear as I tossed and turned from another sleepless night. I rarely slept, if i'm being honest it could easily be diagnosed as insomnia.

Before I nearly threw myself out of bed, I clicked my alarm off and reluctantly climbed out of bed. Another day, another dollar I suppose.

I groaned and took forever to put on jeans and a simple crop top. It was easy enough for work, since I was going to put on my apron over it anyways.

My makeup was scattered all over my dresser, it was a complete mess. I reached for my brush and began to run it through my hair, then I only took a short amount of time to curl my eyelashes and fill in my eyebrows ever so slightly. I'm really not feeling it, I never am when it comes to work.

After tying my shoelaces and grabbing my purse, I reached for my jacket, making sure I had my keys this time. I didn't want to have to break a window again.

Then, I simply made my way to my car, got in, and drove the short distance to work, nothing interesting happened, and nothing worth noting really ever did happen.


I glanced up at the clock, '1:24'. Four hours and 36 more minutes to go, I thought to myself, cleaning up the counter.

The doorbell rang and I tossed the rag under the counter, making my way to the cash register. Today was an extremely slow day, that was a very rare occurrence.

"You work here?" I knew that voice. My eyes travelled from the cash register to see the same, tall and chubby dirty blonde in front of me.

"Oh, yeah. Lovely source of income, am I right?" I asked sarcastically, running a hand through my hair.

"For sure, it sounds like a wonderful job." We're both so sarcastic, that's probably what keeps us from nearly killing each other whenever we talk.

"So what can I get you?" I asked, tapping my foot and playing with the locket around my neck.

"I'll just have an iced coffee, light ice." Niall told me, pulling out his wallet.

I nodded and punched it in to the cash register, then proceeded to tell him the price. He handed me a ten, and I began to gather change.

"Nah, keep it. It sounds like you need the extra tip." The same fucking smirk. He always had it on his face.

"Hey! You have no room to talk." I crossed my arms, staring at him coldly.

"I have a decent job, even though I don't get paid as much anymore, it's fun." The smirk became even more noticeable.

"Just go get your coffee, twat." It came out in a more joking tone than I expected, but whatever. We were "friends" I guess. Not really much more than that, but it was a start.

Niall turned to me after he grabbed his coffee off the counter.

"Hey, since we're pals now, i'm allowed to have your number right?" He leaned on the counter, sipping on the coffee that sat in front of him.

"Yeah, totally bud." I rolled my eyes, then pulled out a napkin to write it down on.

I quickly scribbled it down on the napkin and handed it to him.

"I'll text ya later then." He turned away from me and made his way over to the door, not turning back once.

Are we friends?

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