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remy curled the last piece of her hair and placed the curling iron back down on the bathroom counter. niall walked in, looking in the mirror and adjusting his button up shirt.

"i hate these things." his nose was scrunched. remy jumped up on the bathroom counter to face him.

"you do look awfully cute, though." she smiled, reaching over and adjusting a button. niall's nose scrunched up once again.

"i beg to differ." rem shook her head, sighing a bit.

"i'm not sure if i'm mentally prepared to meet your mother." niall laughed a bit, a nervous blush creeping on his face.

"she's a bit insane... but she'll love you, i promise." she jumped off the counter and wrapped her arms around niall. he smiled, kissing the top of her head.

"i hope so. she needs to know her daughter is going to be well off. i promise to always take care of you." remy smiled into his chest and looked up at him.

"i love you." niall leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"i love you even more, love."


remy knocked on the door to the small home. her mother's house wasn't anything special, it was in rural ohio and didn't have any huge qualities. it was plain.

a bark of a dog rang out, remy adjusted the bottom of her dress and waited for her mother to answer the door. the door swung open, revealing her.

"remy!" she exclaimed, pushing the dog back a bit and going to give remy a hug. niall smiled as remy accepted her mother's embrace.

"hey mom." her mother separated from her and turned to niall.

"niall, correct?" she asked. niall nodded.

"it's very nice to meet you, ma'am." remy's mom gave him a soft smile and pulled him into a hug.

"it's nice to meet you as well." niall let go of the woman, who was only a few inches taller than her daughter. she nodded towards the door, signaling the two to go inside. remy went in and niall followed behind, her mother shutting the door.

"i apologize in advance... i didn't make tons of food since you know, it's only us three."

"it's alright, mom. we really appreciate you having us." remy encouraged, making her way into the kitchen of her childhood home.

"i made dad's favorite!" her mother exclaimed as the pair sat down at the kitchen table.

"meatballs and mashed potatoes." remy told niall, a smile light on her face. niall nodded, it sounded good to him.

remy's mother pulled the tray of meatballs out of the oven and placed them on the stove next to a plate of mashed potatoes. she then joined them at the table.

"they just need to cool off." remy nodded, looking at niall, then back at her mother.

"so, niall, what do you do for a living?" remy's mom asked. niall knew this question would come up, but he still wasn't sure how to answer.

"well, i make videos online for money. it's a really fun job, actually." her mother raised an eyebrow, but then nodded.

"decent money?" remy gave her mother a look, embarrassed that she would ask such a personal question.

"oh yes, of course. i would work three jobs just to make sure your daughter was well off, ma'am." she smiled.

"you can just call me rachel, or mrs. ross, whichever you prefer, honey." mrs. ross gave a reassuring smile to niall, she could clearly tell he was nervous. she got up out of the chair and went to get the food off the stove.

she came back a moment later with the food on plates, handing them to niall and remy. then, she sat back down.

"mr. ross would have loved to meet you, niall. i wish he could have." remy felt a slight hitch in her throat, her father's death was a sensitive subject.

"can we please talk about something else?" remy asked, her mother then understood and changed the topic.

"so, you guys are planning on moving out of state is what i was told?" she asked.

niall nodded. "yes, california exactly. we think it would be better fit for us." remy nodded in agreement.

"yeah mom, it'll be better for both of us.


"thank you so much for dinner, mom." remy pulled her mother into a hug, holding her car keys in her left hand.

"no problem, sweetie." niall went in for a hug as well.

"thank you for everything, mrs. ross. it was delicious."

"oh, niall. it's no problem at all! please come back before you guys leave the state." she smiled weakly, still not ready to let her daughter go. internally, she wanted to beg her to stay, but she knew she couldn't. niall was a good guy, she couldn't hurt her daughter anymore.

"we will, i promise." remy reassured, nodding in approval.

"take good care of her for me, okay?" her mother said to niall.

"i promise i will. i'd do anything for this girl." niall gave remy a smile.

they finished their goodbyes and got back in the car, remy pulled her heels off and tossed them on the floor.

"thank god that's over." she stated. niall shook his head in response.

"she was nice!" niall exclaimed, slightly bitter that remy made her mother out to be awful.

"you barely know her. you'll see it eventually..." remy told him, putting her head against the window.

"well, at least we got approval for us to move. we better start looking for houses, then."

"yeah, sounds like a plan." remy closed her eyes, dozing off ever so slightly as niall drove.

niall stared at her whenever they stopped at a red light, he truly did love her. he never thought he would feel this way about someone, and he never in a million years thought he would have someone love him as much as remy does.

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