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a/n before i get into the chapter:
so i keep getting new story ideas and i rEALLY like one i came up with.

i'm thinking of making it another pyro story, or possibly a quackity story? do you guys have a preference of which you would like to read? i'm also open to making it about other people in rc and cc, possibly even outside of cc and rc. i dunno, just vote down in the comments pretty please so i know what you guys would like to see :)



"look at this one!" remy exclaimed, tilting her phone to the side and showing niall a house on zillow. it was in pasadena, which wasn't exactly where they wanted to be, but the house was beautiful.

"pasadena?" he asked, she shrugged.

"we have to look everywhere and keep our options open." niall nodded, agreeing with her to an extent.

"if we wanted to go over there and look at houses for a few days, i'm sure brandon would let us stay with him."

remy sighed and leaned over to lie her head on his chest.

"would he be okay with me being there? i haven't met him yet." she asked.

"of course! my friends are gonna love you, rem. i just have to get you up to date on meme culture, then it'll be perfect." she groaned and let out a laugh, rolling her eyes.

"i know current meme culture, dummy. i'm not a boomer." niall grinned and ran his hand through her hair.

"whatever you say, boomer." she say up, scrunching her nose up and crossing her arms.

"i'm not a boomer!" niall rolled his eyes, pulling his hand up and flipping her off.

"okay boomer." remy grabbed his middle finger.

"that wasn't very family friendly, niall! demonetization is your punishment." niall laughed, pulling her down to his chest once again.

"i love you, you dummy head." he told her, ruffling her hair and tangling it between his fingers.

"i love you too, but seriously we need to find a house!" she picked up her phone and began to scroll through zillow again.

"this one's in LA." she turned the phone and showed it to niall. it was a beautiful house, and had a lot of property, but holy shit was it expensive.

"that's so expensive, rem, and since you demonetized me for giving you the middle finger i'm not sure we can afford it." she laughed, punching his arm lightly.

"whatever you say. but hey, when we move, i was thinking about going back to school..."

niall raised an eyebrow, shifting his position to look at her. "like, college?" he asked.

"yes, college. i want to be able to provide for us too, and without a degree i can't really do that."

niall really didn't like this idea, in fact, he hated it. but he would support anything she wanted to do, that's what you do when you love someone.

"i'll support you if you choose to, but... maybe for now we can start you a channel or something? that way, you can gain some subs and make some money."

"a youtube channel?" she asked, sitting up to lean against her arm.

"yeah, i could help you edit and stuff, and you can make videos about whatever you want."

"i don't know, niall... i doubt anyone would even watch me." she replied. "i'm so boring."

niall made a 'pssh' noise and began playing with her hair again.

"people would love you, especially if the great pyrocynical is featured in your videos." she rolled her eyes.

"whatever you say, mr. 'great pyrocynical.'" remy smiled, leaning up and pecking niall on the lips.

"so, youtube channel it is?" he asked, nudging her a bit.

"maybe, we'll discuss it in the morning." she leaned over to their bedside and turned the lamp off.

a/n: i literally hate this chapter bye

but pls vote on what i mentioned at the beginning of the chapter x

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