» 14

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a/n: ughhh school starts tomorrow for me :(

i probably won't be able to update as much i'm sorry guys


i've decided if we ever (which i doubt) get to 1k reads i'll post a face reveal!!

i'm pretty ugly tho so i'm rlly sorry if i disappoint

but yeah, thanks for reading guys! let's get to 1k reads! WE ALREADY PASSED 400 THAT'S CRAZY!



I toyed around with my locket as I made my way down a hospital corridor.

Not again, not again.

I kept repeating the same two words over and over again in my head. I finally reached the room which I was instructed to go to. Room 238.

After a deep breath, I pushed the door open and saw what I had hoped the never see again. My dad, in a hospital bed, barely breathing.

My dad has smoked since he was 16, and it's caught up to him. He was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. He was only supposed to live up to four months max, but he pulled through for two years. Two years of pain, two years of isolation, and two years of distress.

"Dad?" I uttered quietly, squatting down at his bedside.

"R-Remy." He could barely speak, he kept choking on his own words and being interrupted by a cough.

"Dad, you're going to be okay, I promise." Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked down at him.

"Re-Remy. My will is in my-" He coughed again.
"It's in my desk drawer. You have to get it."
I began to cry now, shaking my head.

"You won't need that, dad, I promise you."

I heard his breathing begin to quicken. I knew. I began screaming for a doctor.

"I love you, so much. I get to see my mother now, that's what matters." He smiled at me and patted my hand.

He breathed one more time before I heard a long beep coming from the machine next to me. My mouth was open with shock as doctor's rushed in.

A male doctor began to push me out of the room as they carried my dad out the door. I began to scream, my sobs becoming incoherently loud.


I sat still in a chair in the hospital lobby, waiting. Waiting for someone to tell me my dad was able to pull through and he was back. That never happened, although I waited for two hours. I just waited there, not moving, just silently crying.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A woman began to walk towards me, a concerned look on her face.

"No." I told her simply as my glazed eyes moved to the floor.

"We- We have to ask you about body arrangements, Miss Ross." I could tell she felt bad, but I was already so upset.

"Now? This has to be discussed now?" I stood up, fury in my eyes.

"My dad just fucking died, and you just expect me to be able to talk about it freely? Are you serious right now?" I was practically screaming at her. My emotions were a mess of anger, fear, and plain sadness.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'll be back, but I am not willing to discuss this with you right now." With that, I turned on my heels and walked right out the hospital doors.

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