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"so, we should really start working on putting your channel together." niall said, placing his nintendo switch down on the coffee table. the pair had been spending countless hours playing stardew valley for a few days, it was their latest obsession.

"but i didn't finish feeding my chickens!" remy groaned, going into her chicken coop in game and putting hay down for the chickens to eat.

niall laughed, standing up and getting off the couch. "well hurry up and finish, i'll boot up my pc." niall walked off down the hallway toward his office. remy finished feeding her virtual chickens and took her character to bed, then putting her switch down once the game had saved itself.

she followed after him and he had already sat down and started up his pc. she sat down in the chair next to him and watched as he logged into his computer.

"don't peek on my password!" niall joked, knowing she already knew the password. "hush your face." remy replied, fixing her position to sit criss-crossed in the chair.

"obviously my channel isn't called niall, did you wanna call it something else or just have it be your name?" he asked, typing in the youtube url into google chrome.

"just remy," she replied, "it'll be easier for me to remember." she laughed. he nodded his head and went into google+ to make a new youtube channel. he had her type in her google+ information and created the channel for her.

"i have a surprise!" he smiled, opening up another tab on google chrome. he went through to his twitter account and checked his dms. he opened up a file someone sent him and it was a commissioned drawing of remy to use as her channel profile picture.

"oh my god! it's me." she smiled, looking at the screen. the character was drawn in a beautiful art style, and even showed she was wearing one of niall's favorite hoodies that she loved to steal.

"i'm even wearing my favorite hoodie." she continued, a smile still on her face.

"you mean MY favorite hoodie." niall replied, laughing a bit.

"yeah, yeah. whatever." she rolled her eyes and continued to look at the drawing on the screen as niall saved it to his pc and changed her channel icon to it.

"i'm gonna work on getting a banner commissioned for you as well, i just didn't know what you'd name your channel so i couldn't get it in advance." she nodded in response.

"thank you." she leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek, he smiled and finished making a few changes to the channel, like connecting her instagram and twitter accounts to it.

"any first video ideas?" he asked, turning to her.

she shrugged. "i have no clue." niall thought about it for a second, then came up with something.

"well, i think an introduction is a good idea. if you're planning to be making vlogs i'd suggest having your face in it and you can just sit on our bed and record it. i can help you edit it later, too."

"i'm just scared of being cyber bullied." she laughed. "but i mean, i am dating youtube's biggest cyber bully so it shouldn't be too bad."

niall rolled his eyes. "i am not a cyber bully!"

"mhmmm." she mumbled, standing up and getting out of the chair.

"where's the camera at though?" she asked. niall swiveled around in his chair and pointed to a shelf where the camera equipment sat. remy walked over to it and tried to reach up and grab it, but it was too high.

"come on man! why did you have to put it so high?" she sighed, giving up and waiting for niall to come over and grab it for her. he laughed and got up, then easily was able to grab the camera without any issues.

"grow a little." he said as he handed it to her, then sat back down at his desk. she held it in her hands and then grabbed the tri-pod that sat next to niall's desk.

"come help me get the lights set uppp." niall stood up again and opened the closet door, pulling out his lighting equipment he used for making videos.

"alright, alright. come on." he ushered her out of the office and remy walked out and into their bedroom.

she put the tri-pod down and placed the camera on it carefully, then plopped down on the bed.

niall came in and put down the lights, plugging them in and setting them to the right settings for the room.

"what am i even supposed to say?" she asked as he finished adjusting the lights. he shrugged, and looked at her.

"i dunno, maybe talk about yourself for a few minutes and then i'll hop in to say hello? that way people will know to expect vlogs of our headassery." they both laughed and she nodded, fixing her position so she looked ready.

"pressing record in 3... 2... 1..." niall counted down then gave her a thumbs up once the camera started the recording.

"hey there! my name is remy..." she already began to mess up. "and um, welcome to my youtube channel! i guess...." she sat there for a second thinking about what to say.

"this wasn't really my idea, and i didn't know if i should create this channel but i do hope it works out and people enjoy my content. my boyfriend niall told me i should try this whole youtube is thing...." she paused again for a moment and recollected her thought. "i'm probably going to upload vlogs every few days to show what's going on in our lives. niall isn't super into putting personal videos on his channel so that's what i'm here to do." she motioned for him to join her on the bed to help her out.

"the great big pyrocynical has arrived!" niall yelled as he jumped on the bed and tackled her. she laughed and they both fixed themselves and sat up. "yeah, yeah, i convinced remy to finally make a youtube channel. she's just gonna expose our personal lives to the entire world." he continued.

"this was your idea!" she laughed, punching his arm lightly. "i know, i know. it was a better idea in my head, though." niall joked, looking at her for a moment and then looking back at the camera.

"but this channel isn't about me, this is about rem and whatever she wants to post and talk about. i'm leaving it up to her to decide the type of content she wants to make, i'm not here to police her channel." niall stated. "but i already knowwww she's gonna expose me for the dumbass shit i do everyday."

she laughed. "okay, true. it's gonna be enjoyable though, exposing pyrocynical's everyday life with his stupid ass girlfriend." he rolled his eyes. "yeah, yeah, whatever." remy laughed lightly. they both went on for a few more minutes about ideas they have for remy's channel, and then remy decided to end the video off.

"well, i think that's pretty much all we have to talk about. stay tuned for my first real video, i promise it won't disappoint!" she smiled and waved to the camera, niall waved as well. "bye for now!" remy said to the camera, then niall hopped up and turned it off.

"was that okay?" she asked once he checked the footage to make sure it saved.

"yeah! for your first time that was pretty good, i'm proud of you." he smiled and walked over to the bed and kissed her lightly.

"now, the worst part, we must edit." remy groaned, she never edited before but she knew how much time niall spent everyday editing his videos so they'd be perfect. she knew how many revisions she'd have to do before this video could be uploaded, even though it was pretty short.

"toooo the office!" remy shouted as she hopped up off the bed and ran out of their bedroom. niall laughed, and then mumbled to himself "what a dork." before following her out of the room and back into his office.


a/n: hi i was dead for a while

also i didn't edit this so i apologize for any mistakes, i'm too lazy to proofread it again lol.

also i would suggest dropping a follow on my account for any updates i post on my tl thingie about this story. it's easier to see what's going on that way!

hope y'all had an amazing christmas and new year!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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