Pool Party

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We got to the pool and saw all the guys playing volleyball in the pool. There were a bunch of guys that I've never even seen in my life. Although I recognized some of the guys that Andrea showed to me in the video.

"Is that all of them?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." Andrea said.

"You guys planning on jumping in?" Chris asked.

"I'm probably going to go in but just float like a nub."

Chris laughed, "Ok."

"Damn, I should've brought a pool toy or something." I said.

"Girl, do you really think we could've fit that in the van?" Andrea asked.

"You never know." I said.

"Hey guys!" Brady said coming out of the pool. From the start Brady has been the kindest out of every one.

"Hey!" We said altogether.

"Are you guys planning no hopping in? You guys can join in on the next game." He said pointing at the pool

"I'll join." I said, I took off my top and shorts and put my hair in a bun so that it would get everywhere.

"Me too," Chris said.

Andrea and the other guys decided to sit out for a while before going in. I ended up being on Brady's side and Chris was on the other side.

"Kalani this is Drew, Jaden, Cam, and Chance." Brady said introducing me to some of the guys. I said hi to all of them but when my eyes got to Drew I kind of drew a blank. I was kind of speechless. It was hard for me to form a proper sentence because I was so struck by Drew.

I started swimming towards Drew who was the closest to me. Luckily I had a reason to be next to him.

"Ok, we won that last game so we should be able to serve first." Chance said.

"But that's not fair, shouldn't the team who lost have a leg up in the next game?" Some guy from the other side said. I didn't know who he was but he was tall and blonde.

"Well if you guys had won that last game you wouldn't be complaining would you, Devin?" Chance said laughing.

"Whatever just serve!" Another guy said from the other side. I didn't know him either but he was tall and blonde as well, but with a way deeper voice.

We played a couple points out and at one point Cam had managed to hit the ball too hard and it ended up so far that the ball made it's way all the way to Andrea hitting her phone from her hands.

"Nice, Cam." Drew said.

"Sorry, I just got so much muscle going on here." Cam said kissing his biceps. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Even Kalani thinks what you just said was stupid." Drew said.

"You know what Drew.." Cam said jokingly.

"What!" Drew said playing along. He swam a little closer to me only because he was playfully getting in Cam's face. I mean I didn't mind he can get close to me if he wants.

After we got the ball back, we kept playing. At one point I reacted to a ball that was close to me so I went after to it. Little did I know that Drew had also gone after the ball and right when we both contacted the ball our heads had bumped. We both stood there for a bit just holding our heads, but when Drew took his hand from his head he had been bleeding.

"Drew your head." Chance said.

"Hey we need to get you out of the pool." Brady said to him. He swam over to Drew and helped him get out of the pool and into the hotel.

Stay With Me - Drew RamosWhere stories live. Discover now