The Truth

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Andrea's POV
"Yeah I mean I like--"

"Andrea! Hey!" Chance cut me off while I was "talking" to one of the camera guys. Like I was twirling my hair and everything, I had it in the bag. But Chance just had to ruin it. I tried to be nice and say hi back.

"Hey Chance," I smile and tried to get back into conversation with the camera guy.

"So," he puts his arm around my shoulder, "can we talk on the way to the van?" He smiled.
I looked back at the camera guy and I looked back at Chance. I sighed and agreed to go with Chance.

"So I see you've gotten to know some people," Chance said.

"Uh yeah," I said picking up my bag.

"So how are ya? How's the band? How's Kalani?"

"They're fine, Kalani's fine, why are you asking?"

"Oh nothing I mean I just saw Kalani crying in the dressing room so I was just concerned."

"It's nothing to worry about she's just overreacting."

"Ok look Andrea I know you lied to Drew about whatever the hell you said. And I know, you were put in such a bad position because of Kalani, but she's your best friend."

I stopped and fixed my makeup one last time before leaving. "Chance, this isn't your place to tell me what is right and what is wrong. I've only known you for a day."

"Yeah but we've all gotten so close. I hate to see you guys hurt." He sounded genuine but I didn't want to listen to him. I was too busy on what I had to focus on for tomorrow. "Can you just tell Drew the truth. He won't hate you."

"I don't care if he likes me or not, I don't feel that way about him."

"Obviously," Chance said under his breath.

"What?" I asked. I knew what he said. I rolled my eyes and finished packing up my purse. I began walking to the van and Chance began to follow me. "Look Chance I know you're just looking out for Kalani and not me so just stop."

"Andrea I care for you too, I just want you both to be happy." Chance opened the door to the exit for me and I said thanks.

"Well whatever you want from me, Chance, it's not happening."

He stopped me by grabbing my arm, he didn't yank me but when he did I just became so angry," Andrea I kno--"

"Chance you don't know shit! Kalani is a terrible person who doesn't care for anyone but herself. Drew needed to know the truth about her and I gave it to him. He deserved it way more than me!"

"What did you say to him?!" Chance started raising his voice back at me and it made me even more mad.

"She slept with Chris!" I screamed it and everyone from inside the van heard me. Even Kalani. I saw her head lift up from Brady's shoulders. She looked so hurt.


Kalani's POV

When we got into the van Brady walked in and I sat next to him. "You could put your head on my shoulder if you want." Brady said smiling at me.

I hugged his arm and rested my head on his shoulder, I shed another tear and closed my eyes so that no one could see me crying.

"She slept with Chris!" I heard Andrea scream to Chance outside the van. I lifted my head and saw her look at me when she yelled at Chance.
I turned around to see Chris look just as surprised as I was.

"Kalani," Brady said, "you did not."

"No I didn't!" I said shaking my head. Drew was sitting in the row in the very front and I saw him turn around and look at me with so much hurt. I turned around at Chris and he said the same exact thing.

"Then why did Andrea say that?" Sergio asked.
I shook my head because I didn't know what to say. We all looked outside the window towards Andrea again and saw that she wasn't there anymore.

I got up and was stopped by Brady. "Kalani what are you doing?"

I pushed his hand to the side and was looking out the window, "I'm going to look for Andrea."

"After what she said about you?"

"Brady she's my best friend." I felt more tears stream down my face, "I can't just leave her after what I did today."

I walked out of the van fast and saw Chance standing outside still. "She ran that way." He point towards the street.

"Ok well tell the driver to just go we'll get an Uber back."

"Are you sure?" Chance asked.

"Yes." Chance wiped my tears from my head and gave me a big hug. I looked back at the van and saw Drew looking out. When he saw me look at him he looked away because he couldn't look at me straight in the eyes.

I sighed and ran to find Andrea.


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