A turning point..

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After I while I finished my workout and went back to the room. Andrea had already woken up and was putting on her makeup for the day. She turned around and saw I had walked in.
"Hey you're finally done with your workout." She went back to doing her makeup.
"Uh, yeah I did a little more than I expected. I guess I was pretty motivated." I smiled a little as I was pulling out my outfit for the day.

(Hehe I just figured out how to add pics)"Oh and get ready fast because we have to leave in 45 minutes

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(Hehe I just figured out how to add pics)
"Oh and get ready fast because we have to leave in 45 minutes." Andrea said
I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out of the shower I saw that Andrea forgot to hang up the towels from yesterday and every single towel was wet. I groaned in frustration, put my underwear on and walked out the bathroom with my shirt from my workout covering my boobs.
"Andrea you forgot to.. SHIT" I ran back into the bathroom because I came out to a surprise.. Chris. He was in the room talking to Andrea while I was in the shower.
When I ran back into the bathroom I heard Chris's voice, "Sorry Kalani I'm going back to my room now I won't come back in!" I heard the door close so I knew I was in the clear.
Coming out of the bathroom I was even more furious than before.
"Andrea what the hell you knew I was in the bathroom why didn't  you tell me Chris was in here? And on top of that why didn't you hang the fucking towels up last night?!" I was still in my underwear and the shirt on my breasts.
"Hey maybe you could've peeked through the door instead of barging out? What the hell this wasn't my fault!" Andrea was getting defensive and started walking towards me in anger.
"Well I didn't think Chris was going to be in the room! And it's not like you've never seen me in my underwear!" Andrea and I had gotten in each other's faces and were in such a big argument.
"We're in a hotel room connected to the room OUR friends are in. They've already been in this room unannounced don't you think they're actually going to listen to us and knock when they come in?"
"Uh yeah? It's kind of common courtesy!" My eyes grew wider at what Andrea had said. Like doesn't she care whether or not her privacy  is cared for?
"It's also knowing guys. They honestly don't give a shit!"
"Well I do! Do you even care if they come in or not?!" A thought came to my head and I had thought what if Andrea wouldn't have cared if it was Chris? What if she didn't care if Chris just came into the room whenever he wanted? And I don't mean just to hang out.
"What are you talking about?" Andrea asked. Her voice raises every time she speaks but at this point I don't care if anyone hears us.
"Chris? You're fucking obsessed with him and you can't even make a move on him!"
"Oh my God, I cannot believe you brought this up! What about you? Drew had made a move on you and you couldn't even finish it!"
"That is so different and you know that." I started to get emotional and I don't know how much more I can hold in.
"Um not really! You had the chance to kiss him and you didn't. You had a chance to tell him how you feel but you didn't." I knew I was right because of what happened this morning but I didn't want to tell her.
"So you admit it? You could've made your move at this point but you haven't."
"Ok now don't pin this on me."
"Oh but that was your point right? Andrea, if you had the balls to make your move on Chris maybe he would be flirting with you and not me." Immediately I regret what I had said.
"You know what I mean. Chris not only ever talks to me whenever he can, but he literally clings to me. Yeah, good job Andrea you really got him wrapped around your finger." There's a part of me that regrets saying what I said but another part knows that Andrea needs to know the truth. I walk away from her and into the bathroom because at this point I was dry. I slammed the bathroom for behind me not even looking back at Andrea. I just threw my clothes on and brushed my teeth. After I got out of the bathroom Andrea had already left the room. She probably left to go to the lobby where everyone is supposed to meet.
I quickly put on my makeup and packed my bag in preparation for this long day. I quickly grabbed my key and went to the elevator.
I was just on my pone when I was waiting for the elevator until someone sneaks up on me.
"Hey." He whispered into my ear.

Stay With Me - Drew RamosWhere stories live. Discover now