I'm so confused

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"Hey Kalani." Mikey walked up to me and Chris. FINALLY! Someone saved me.
"Mikey!" I gave him a huge hug," Um Chris can we continue this conversation later today maybe? I need to talk to Mikey about something important." I smiled and started to pull Mikey away. Far away from Chris.
"Mikey I don't think you understand how grateful I am that you came up to us. For a second I was hoping Drew would but then he just walked away and I don't know why."
Mikey laughed,"No problem, did you talk to Chris?"
"I was trying to but-"
"Kalani," Mikey sounded like he was scolding me.
"No really I was trying to but Chris just kept on talking. Every time I would try to change the subject and talk to him about it he would just keep talking. I don't know anyone who can talk as much as he can." I was trying to defend myself but Mikey wasn't amused.
"Kalani you know that you can't really be with Drew if you don't set the record straight with Chris."
"Guys the van is here let's go!" Chance walked back inside the hotel to tell us.
"I'm going to talk to Chris, I promise."
Mikey gave me a look," mhm."
"No really I will. But first I have to talk to him about why he just walked away from me. He looked upset." We began walking out the front doors of the hotel and saw there was only one van. Great.
"Maybe you should sit next to Drew." Mikey whispered to me.
"I don't know. I kind of don't want to know why Drew looks that way." We began piling in the car and Drew was walking with Andrea. He took a quick glance at me while I was still looking at him. I didn't want to stop looking at him but he just looked so sad. I began walking towards him when I saw Andrea pull him by the hand and into the van. She looked over to see who Drew was looking at. She saw me and didn't care for how I felt. I felt betrayed. I know Andrea and I were in a fight but I didn't know why the both of them were acting the way they were.
I stood that for a second not knowing what to do," here you can sit with me," Brady came up behind me. He somehow knew what was going on and had felt like he should be there for me.
"Thank you." We both started walking together towards and van and sat next to each other talking the whole time.
We didn't talk about Drew or Andrea, we just talked.
Before we knew it we were at rehearsals. Every single one of us filed out one by one. Drew walked out so fast from the bus he was basically in the building when I got out.
I basically had to run to catch up with him but when I did I was able to call out to him.
"Drew!" He turned around and saw that it was me and continued on walking without stopping.

Stay With Me - Drew RamosWhere stories live. Discover now