A Day Out With Shawn Mendes

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Shawn's POV

I woke up with the sun shining through the big glass windows on the opposite side of the room. Sam was in her bed, just starting to wake up too. I guess she came back to our room to sleep for the night. 

I checked the clock then looked back at Sam. Only 9:35  AM. We had to be at the staging area for Magcon at 2:30. But for now it was a bright, sunshiney day that we couldn't waste.

"What should we do today?" I asked Sam, cringing at the sound of my morning voice and the smell of my morning breath. She just sighed, and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, what's something you've always wanted to do?" 

She thought for a moment, her eyes moving around our room. They lit up. 

"I've never been to In N Out Burger." 

"Sweet! That's a great idea actually, I've never been either! Okay, so let me just ask the guys-" I started to get up and out of bed, wearing just my basketball shorts to get my phone to text the guys but I was stopped by Sam.

"Do they have to come with? I mean, there's just so much going on today already and I..." She looked down. She looked sad. She looked embarrassed. 

"They don't need to come with," I told her reassuringly with a little smile. 

She looked up and grinned. It feels good making people happy, even just by doing little things. 

We got ready and were out the lobby door by 11. I texted the guys in the group chat to tell them where we were going, and looked up where the nearest In N Out restuarant was. 

"It's just a couple blocks away, wanna just walk?" I asked her as we left the hotel. 

"Yeah, it's such a beautiful day, oh my gosh," She said looking around, putting on her sunglasses as I put on mine. 

We started walking, passing the other pedestrians and skateboarders and bike riders who were always in a rush to get where they were going. I couldn't help but appreciate where we were, why we were there, everything to do with this situation was just a dream come true. This whole thing was a dream come true. 

We almost walked past the place before I realized we were there. It was flooded with people, eating greasy burgers and dipping their salty fries in ketchup. I led her through the door and we both embraced the chill breeze as we stepped inside the place. We ordered and sat down at the booth by the window. 

"Who had the Double-Double with fries?"

"That's me," I told the server.

"And the Cheeseburger for you, ma'am." 


He walked away and we ate in peace. It was a great burger, great service and everything. But we just ate. We didn't really talk. I decided to break the ice; 

"I can't believe you only got a cheeseburger," I told her as we finished up, "We come to the best burger joint in the US and you get a regular cheeseburger!" I laughed, but she didn't seem entertained. She half-smiled and shrugged again. 

Okay, now it's just getting awkward. There's got to be some reason why she's not talking. 

"Sam, what's wrong?" 

She shook her head and didn't look at me directly, so I asked again.

"Sam, c'mon." 

"I didn't mean to upset you the day we met," Now she couldn't look at me.

"I know, that was just..." I stopped. I had been curious ever since that happened why it happened. "Can I just ask you... What did I save you from?" I asked this as quietly and reluctantly as I ever have. And I sat there waiting for her answer. 

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