Music Makes Everything Better

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Sam's POV

I woke up to the sound of my iPhone ringing and Matthew groaning at the sound. I found my phone on the floor between me and Matt's bed. Well, Shawn's bed. Ugh, Shawn.

I answered it without looking at who was calling. "Hello?" I said in a groggy voice.

"Samantha Grace Cartwright what the hell have you not been telling me?" My mother's cranky, whiny, angry voice woke me up.

Shit, my mother.

I hadn't talked to her for a while. Not one phone call since I left for Magcon a couple weeks ago. A few texts here and there to say I was fine. I was so used to saying that everything was going well when she asked me I never even thought to tell her about the whole Taylor thing.

"Mom, give me a second to wake up, will you?" I started getting out of bed, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Matthew had fallen back asleep already so I didn't bother him.

"I will not give you a second to wake up. Do you know what I had to wake up to? The police called me just a few minutes ago and told me you were assaulted by one of your fellow 'Magcon' people! How could you not tell me this? The police, Samantha, the authorities!" She was fuming.

"Yes, I realize that mom, I talked to them yesterday and everything's gonna be taken care of. I didn't want to worry you," I lied to her, trying to get out of the conversation.

"Worry me? I'm furious, Samantha! Just the fact that you didn't tell me!" I could hear her scoffing in the background, so upset she couldn't even speak properly. "Look, you're coming back home right now. You can't be with those guys anymore, I knew it was dangerous."

"Mom you can't just say that! I'm staying with them, I signed a contract. You can't rip it to shreds once everything's gone to hell. I'm fine, and I'm staying with the boys. I don't care what you say." I ended the call and turned around to see an astonished Matthew sitting up staring at me from the bed. "What?" I asked him, annoyed, and he shook his head.

I decided to get ready for the day even though we had no plans. By the time I came out of the bathroom from changing and doing my hair and makeup, Matthew was gone and Shawn was back.

I must've looked plainly upset because he said, "I already know you're mad, you don't have to remind me of it every time I look at you," he said while taking his sweatshirt off to change.

"Well it's kinda your fault," I told him angrily, and he threw his sweatshirt on his bed in rage.

"You've got to be stupid to think I actually meant what I said before," He tried not to yell.

"Well you said it, so I can only hope it's true," I said trying to keep my calm as well. "And now I'm stupid?"

"You know that's not what I meant-"

"Really? Cause that's what you said." I could tell I was really annoying him now. "I don't want to talk to you anymore, you always say just the wrong things and it's driving me mad,"

"It's driving you mad? I'm the one who keeps screwing up over here and it's driving you mad?" I started to feel guilty. But he deserved it, right?

"Do you think I want to be thought of as some kind of jerk by all the guys? Do you think I want the hate that you keep hurling at me?" He started to really get passionate. "My roommate, of all people, the one person I have to share a room with, spend most of my day with, hate me? You think I want you to keep ignoring me and despising me at the same time? To think my opinion is irrelevant, that whatever comes out of my mouth is exactly what I mean and couldn't possibly have an explanation behind it? I was up sick all night-" He stopped himself.

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