A New Addition to the Magcon Family

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Gilinsky's POV

I had been trying to avoid Jack Johnson for the entire night, so that I wouldn't go ape shit on him in public. He's just so rude to Sam sometimes, it makes me mad. But when we got home from our long night out, it was inevitable that we would have to spend the night together seeing as we shared a hotel room. Like, duh.

"Fun night, huh, dude?" He asked me as we stepped inside our room.

"Why are you so indelicate with Sam?" I asked him unexpectedly.

"Dude, fuck off about that." He said sternly.

"I'm not gonna forget about everything you've said to her just because-"

"I know how you get with girls, Jack, you get way too into them and you go psycho. I don't wanna see you like that with a girl on tour with us. Just calm down about her and we can be chill," He fixed his socks and didn't even look up at me.

I shook my head over the whole matter. I sank down onto my bed and slouched. 

"I'm really really protective over Sam, I don't even know why. I just feel the need to protect her from everything," I revealed to both of us.

"You barely know her, homes," He said jokingly, "Now get up, we have to think of vine ideas."

Sam's POV

"Wait, since when?"

I woke up to the sound of Shawn's voice, and opened my eyes to him laying in his bed on the phone. The clock read 7:21 AM, which was way too early for me honestly. I was about to fall back asleep when Shawn hung up the phone and I asked who he was calling so early in the morning.

"That was Bart," He informed me (ew right), "He said there's some new kid joining Magcon and he's flying into Washington today and meeting us here,"

My eyes shot open into a confused look. "Did he say who?" 

"I don't remember, I was too tired."

"Well I'm going back to sleep then," I told him, and we both snuggled back into our beds at the thought of more sleep.


We both reawoke at around 11:30 AM, and by that time I felt I had really overslept, even though we had nothing to do today. 

"What're we doing today, Shawn?" I asked him while yawning and getting out of bed. 

As he did the same, he answered, "We're supposed to meet this new kid in an hour in the lobby, other than that nothing," And with that we both showered and got ready, cleaning the room up a bit as we did.

By the time 12:30 PM rolled around, we had been bored, talking about TV shows when we decided to go down to the lobby.

We met everyone else at the elevator too, as they seemed to be educated about the new guest arriving also.

Watching the floor number decrease from 13, to 12, to 11, to 10, all the way down to LOBBY we emerged from the elevator and I was absolutely shocked at who I saw standing in front of me. 

"Sammy Wilkinson?!" I asked in utter shock as he embraced me, his bags hitting Shawn in the gut and Aaron in the face.

Everyone in the elevator was taken aback, especially the Jacks, who had no idea their friend was joining Magcon.

I took our hug into the lobby where the guys followed slowly and unsurely, looking at each other with baffled expressions. 

We never took our eyes off each other, we were both in such shock.

"Wow, long time no see! You look..." His eyes strayed as he looked me up and down and when his eyes looked back into mine he finished, "... Amazing as fuck! You've changed a lot since we were 11, haven't you?"

I blushed. "You haven't changed a bit," I said, pinching his nose playfully.

"I didn't know you two were friends-" Gilinsky smiled nervously at us.

Sam didn't take his eyes off me and responded, "Yeah it was before we were friends, like 7 years ago, how've you been little Sammy?" He pulled me into a side hug and set his arm around the back of my neck, like he always used to. We kept up a conversation about our lives since he moved to Omaha and became friends with the Jacks. Piling back into the elevator, I could hear Johnson whisper something to Gilinsky. Probably something vulgar about me.

Gilinsky's POV

I smiled nervously again while we were heading back upstairs, obviously uncomfortable and embarrassed, when I looked at Johnson and he scoffed. 

"What?" I asked him quietly through my smile.

He looked surprised and yet uninterested when he remarked, "Now you have a reason to protect her,"

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