You Have Some Explaining To Do!

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Shawn's POV

It was the morning of Magcon Seattle Day 1. I was still upset over last night and I wished I didn't go to visit Taylor. Who knows, maybe Magcon would get my mind off of things. 

It didn't. I was distracted every second until Magcon was over. It didn't help that there was a significantly less amount of fans there because of the whole thing with Taylor and Sam. And the ones that were there kept asking about Taylor and making completely unnecessary remarks about how Sam was the one that should've kicked off of Magcon. That doesn't even make sense?

I'd had enough of how unknowledgeable they were about the whole situation. I grabbed the mic from Mahogany and it made that annoying high-pitched sound before I said, "Guys, I need to clear things up with you. None of this is Sam's fault. She's not the reason Taylor was kicked off of Magcon, or sent to jail, or the reason why we're all on edge today. You just need to know the facts and Sam-" I looked over at her and she just walked off the stage with tears in her eyes, being followed by Gilinsky. "- I - can give them to you."

I took a deep breath into the mic as the entire room grew silent and I became nervous. Normally, I'm fine with a crowd staring up at me, but not now. I started to explain. 

"Taylor was... aggressive. I know you'd like to think he's the good guy, but he's not. He abused Sam, forcibly violated her. And I'd like to say we're still friends with him and that he'll come back to Magcon, but I can't. Because I know he won't. They're awaiting trial, and right now we all would just appreciate it if you wouldn't bring it up every time you can. It's obviously upsetting and we'll give you more information when we know it. Just trust that Sam is not at fault here. So just shut up about it for now,"

The mic faultered as I handed it back to a surprised Mahogany. Rushing backstage, I could see Gilinsky but not Sam. 

"What've I done?" I asked him, only meaning to say it in my head.

"I don't know, but that was a pretty passionate speech there, bud. You alright?" He asked me, patting my shoulder, awaiting my response. 

I didn't answer, just looked for Sam.

"Dude, you're frantic, what's up?" Jack Johnson, who was also backstage, asked me. I just pushed passed him and walked outside. Flooded with fans waiting for us to come outside. Alright, not the place to go. I went back inside and found the only thing that helped me hear myself think: 

My guitar. 


Soon Magcon was over and we were all heading upstairs. I finally saw her as she was swiping the key into our room. She saw me running to our door and closed it as fast as she could.


Sam's POV

I shut the door and seconds later I heard him try to turn the knob and then knock. I could hear him sigh through the door. 

"When did you take the key?"

I didn't answer that because I thought that was the least important part of our problems.

"Are you gonna say anything, or..." 

I didn't answer that either. I left him out there for about 15 minutes before I came to my senses and opened the door to him sitting directly across the hall on the ground. He got up to come in when I sat down next to where he used to be sitting and he sat back down too. 

"Why do you think telling the fans was a bad thing?"

"Because, Shawn, they'll still think the same thing about me but worse now, and-" I put my head in my hands, "they'll hate me forever, it's just not going to change. No matter what you say, it'll never change..."

He let me lean my head on his shoulder for a couple minutes before we both yawned and decided to go inside to bed. 

We both got ready one at a time, like we always do.

And when I got out of the bathroom he was waiting for me. He stood up and put his hands in his pockets and said, "I'm gonna fix this for you," He looked at the ground, "I screwed it up so I'm gonna fix it," This time he said it so low I almost couldn't hear him.

"Mendes, that's not necessary and you know it-" He cut me off by rushing at me with a hug. He bent down and wrapped his arms around my waist so that his head was right next to mine and I involuntarily folded my arms around his neck and squeezed him close.

I don't know, it felt so snug and secure to me. 

This wasn't a regular hug.

And I must say, that was the first time anyone had ever made me blush because of a hug. He held me so perfectly.

He let go but I didn't want to. He came up blushing and I was too, but I don't think either of us really noticed because we were trying to hide our faces. 

He cleared his throat and turned around to face away from me. 

"So I guess I'm tired," He said, still facing the opposite way, "And I'm going to bed."

We both got cozy in our beds and fell asleep, once again, with the light on. 

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