Luck of the Draw

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Samantha's POV

Checking the comments on my first and only YouTube video, my cover of "Turning Tables" by Adele, I notice that someone said something particularly nice on my video. I look to see who said it to reply using their name, and I gasped in excitement.

Shawn Mendes.

How in the freaking world did Shawn Mendes find my video, watch it, and actually like it?

What do I even say now? I can't fangirl or else he'll think I'm a freak and that would be the worst possible option here. I can't even explain how I was feeling right then; excited, nervous, unreal?


Thank you so much for watching this Shawn, I really appreciate your comment! (:

Heart pumping fast, I pressed reply with a shaky hand. This couldn't be happening, could it? This couldn't be real?

I waited for what felt like hours, days even, for Shawn's reply. I couldn't help but think about all the other things he must have going on, all the comments on his other videos. He's never gonna see my reply. What am i think-


My phone buzzed. I checked the notification and there you have it-it was Shawn. 

(Comment) No problem! You're talented, you have an amazing voice. I'm gonna follow you on twitter so we can DM, ok?

Just after I read his response, another ding came from my phone. The banner at the top of my iPhone 5 read: @ShawnnMendes is now following you!

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