New Experiences in Seattle

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Sam's POV

We were all startled awake by the sound of an airhorn from the hall. We all passed out hangin around in Matt and Carter's room one by one at about 1 AM and didn't go back to our rooms. And apparently, somebody forgot to inform us that we had to be ready, packed and out the door by 11 AM to catch our flights for the next Magcon, which was next weekend in Seattle. So, at 10:30 AM the manager of the hotel blew an airhorn to wake us all up to remind us that we had to leave in 30 minutes. And what a surprise that was!

"What the hell, man?" Cameron rubbed his eyes and squinted at the man in a suit as he went out into the hall. 

When he came back inside with his eyes wide, saying "shit shit shit" under his breath, we knew something was wrong.

"Everybody go to your rooms and pack right now, we have to be at the airport in an hour and out of this hotel in half an hour," he said, already scrambling for his stuff. 

Instincively, we all ran to our rooms and packed our clothes and toothbrushes and deoderants like animals, and we were all out the lobby door by 10:58 AM (I had JJ check his watch just to be sure we wouldn't get in trouble). 

Anyway, we were also taking the same 3-hour flight to Seattle at 12:30 PM so we got to the airport around 11:30, got our bags check and went through security within a half hour and were let into the terminal early and were sitting on the plane at 12:25 PM, waiting for take off. 

Our flight got delayed a half hour and we were in the air by 1 PM. I sat next to Shawn, and at least tried to comfort him when the cabin started shaking and there was bad turbulance. But he almost puked.

I didn't really pay attention to anyone else on the flight, not to be rude or anything on purpose, but I just knew firsthand how Shawn could be on flights. However, I could feel eyes boring into the back of my head, and the only person sitting behind me that was awake was Taylor. I don't know, it just felt weird. No one has stared at me that long before and I don't know why he was, either. 

At least it was a semi-short flight, and we got to the hotel after a 2 hour car ride from the airport, and after 5 hours of waiting for our bags which got lost in the mix somewhere, that left us getting unpacked in our very own top floor of the Hilton at 11 PM, and we were all exhausted and ready to sleep.

We decided to just keep the same set up with roommates for every Magcon, so once again I unpacked with sleepy Shawn. Every time he yawned, I yawned and soon we were both asleep with the lights on and half of our clothes hanging out of our luggage. 


Jack Gilinsky's POV

I think we had all fallen asleep with our day clothes still on, because we were too tired to change and unpack and all that crap. I unexpectedly fell asleep on top of my bed while Jack was checking twitter, and the only reason I know that is because I remember the sound of the refresh noise right before I dazed. 

I woke up at like 10:30 AM, and showered and unpacked and changed and all that before Jack even woke up. When he finally did, he looked tired as hell.

"Dude, what time did you knock out?" I asked him while drying my hair with a towel.

"2:45," He said, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "And damn you were gone way before I was, man!"

"I know man I was beat," I told him, "Flights always give me jetlag,"

"Same time zone dude," He said, chuckling at me. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Sam about her next performances for Magcon alright? I'll be back later-"

"I'm not your mom, dude, go where ever you want," He told me.

So I left for Shawn and Sam's room all the way down the hall. I just didn't want to see her so scared for the next Magcon. I also wanted to prepare a little something with her, maybe to surprise some fans and get them to like her a little more. 

I knocked on the door and was let in instantly by Sam. She and Shawn were already dressed and everything, but they didn't seem to be unpacked. Seeing as it was only 11:30 I didn't really expect them to be after that long night. 

"Hey Sam, just wanted to ask if you had any plans for your next Magcon performances?" I asked her, which, not to my surprise she replied with, 

"No idea, why?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if I could help you if you'd want that,

"Oh my god that'd be awesome! Please and thank you, Jack!" She hugged me and I forgot how short she was. 

"Okay so did you have anything in mind that I could do, or-"

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna go get some lunch downstairs with some of the other guys but if you need my guitar or anything it's right there," Shawn told us in his cheery voice before he left the room.

"Thanks Shawn, have fun!" She told him, waving a short goodbye. 

"Anyway, I did actually have an idea," I looked at her and she got all excited, "and if you're any good at harmonizing this could temporarily be bomb," I said, giving her a little half smile.


I grabbed Shawn's guitar to play my favorite acoustic verson of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from the Wizard of Oz. (Also the one performed on Glee, but nobody knows I watch that).

I started strumming, as she pulled up the lyrics on And we just kinda sang. And to be honest, it was kind of fucking magical. Her voice and mine went perfectly together in this song, and it's so powerful in it's own way, and the fact that it's one of my favorite versions of all time really made me emotional about it. She just went with it, and when she told me she was decent at harmonies she really meant it. Well, I mean she's better than she thinks she is, it was just unbelieveable. I wanted to perform this at Magcon so badly it actually physically hurt me for a second. 

All of this ran through my head while we were finishing up the song, and I don't know what came over me, the lack of an audience or just the feeling of the whole thing but I just kinda blew it at the end.

She had her eyes closed and was drawing out the last note when I turned toward her (she was standing somewhat behind me reading the lyrics) dropped the guitar, grasped her face in my hands and flew up and kissed her. Kissed her good and hard. And for no reason. It was just perfect, I don't know, she made it sound perfect so I was happy. And it was stupid. Yet it was the most uniform perfect kiss I'd ever had with a girl, a girl where I knew we shared a mutual feeling of friendship. Well, fuck.


Sam's POV

All of a sudden I heard guitar strings slide and felt his lips smack into mine. It wasn't that long of a kiss, but it was a reasonable length, and I was just very confused at the whole thing, so I let it happen. Not like it was a substandard kiss or anything. My face was cupped in his hands and I held my hands up by my face without touching either one of us, I was shocked.

When he let me breathe, we both furrowed our brows, bewildered, and all I said was, "You dropped the guitar, Shawn's gonna be pissed,". After that, we both laughed and shook it off. Turned out the guitar was fine.

Gilinsky said he didn't know what happened either, but it was quite a fun experience actually. The kiss meant nothing to both of us but it just happened, and we were both okay with it afterward. It was just kinda weird, I'll have to admit it. The kiss, but not the action of kissing. The action of kissing was the best part. His lower lip is really talented. (;


Ayyyye so update. Gettin juicier I know but it's still taking awhile for actual relationships to develop. And although they kissed just now, I don't think I'm gonna have JG and Sam get into anything like that again but idk who knows (;

Anyway, in case I don't update again within the week (which i might not), happy 4th of July people of America! Don't get to rowdy (;

Until next updateeeee,


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