Don't Wake Me Up

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Sam's POV

I woke up to the loud snap of a guitar string. I sat up real quick from being buried under a mound of blankets and I realized I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in.

"Why're you playing so early?" I groaned and rubbed my eyes, sliding out of bed. He whipped around and almost smacked me in the face with his newly broken E-string.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked while nervously glancing at the clock. I followed his eyes and saw it was earlier than I thought it was.

"3 AM? Why are you playing at 3 AM, Shawn? I was about to get ready for the day!" I jumped back in my bed and he set his guitar down against his bed and came over to mine, jumping over me and almost landing on me. I drawled out his name as he locked both arms around me and smothered his face in my back, trying to make up from waking me up so early. I could hear another muffled apology as he shook me and started tickling me, asking for my forgiveness.

"Okay okay you're forgiven stop stop stop!" I could barely breathe from laughing so hard. We rested there for a bit and I almost fell back asleep when Shawn slowly slipped out of bed and went back to his guitar.

"What, are you going to keep playing your broken guitar?" I asked him, half asleep.

"It's not broken. I can still play it, see," He plucked at the strings, making the most beautiful music less one string. I listened to him start playing some tune that I didn't know and watched his face. He made all these little expressions that no one really sees when he plays, but there was one I knew all the girls saw and loved. He always licks his lips in between breaths when he's singing and bites his bottom lip when he's just strumming, which was what he was doing then. I can see why the fangirls obsess over that, it's really hot.

He slowed his strumming to a stop and looked at me. "See? Works fine." He set it back down in its stand this time and climbed over me onto my bed again. He spread out and I just looked at him. "What?" He asked when he saw me staring.

"Nothing, nothing..." I said, making it obvious there was something.

"What!" He asked again, turning towards me.

"There are so many edits of you on vine and pictures on twitter of you like biting & licking your lips, are you awake of that?" I asked him, to which he looked confused and surprised.

"No... what does that even mean?"

"Like little videos thrown together of you licking your lips when you're singing, you do it all the time," He clearly hadn't noticed it before and kept the confused look on his face.

"Where do they even get these videos from??" He asked, amazed.

"You do it almost every time you perform! And apparently it makes all your fans sexually frustrated," I told him, pointing to one particular comment on a vine I had seen before and just brought out now. I looked over at him as he read and watched the vine. After the first edit he was completely mortified and didn't want to even look at me. "Don't be embarrassed!" I tried to get him to look at me but he hid by tucking his head in his sweater and I saw his ears turn bright red. "Aw c'mon, Shawn, don't be shy, everybody's seen you do it," I ruffled his hair playfully and closed out of all my apps, waiting for him to control his flushed cheeks.

The next thing he did was take off his sweatshirt.

"I'm hot." Was all he said.

"Personally, I think so, too." I giggled and he shook his head. "Oh come on, you practically set that up for me!" He nodded and let out a decent sigh.

"I don't think I can fall back asleep," He told me, his eyes wandering out the window.

"it's 3:30 AM, you have to," I said, closing my eyes and preparing for slumber.

"I can't sleep knowing you're sad."

"I never said I was sad..." Opening my eyes again I looked at him, he was looking down at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Your voice."

"Great," I mumbled, and he waited for my response. "My mother, I was so mean to her the other day. I want to go apologize but I don't know what to say..." I hate my mother, but I've always felt the need to make her overlook my occasional outbursts.

"What would you say to her?" Shawn was trying to help me figure this out and it made me really happy.

"Well, I'd apologize for calling her a bitch-"

"You called your mom a bitch?" He looked at me astoundedly with wide eyes. He thought twice and said, "Yeah, nevermind..."

"- And I'd just say I was sorry for a lot of other stuff. We'll see."

"We'll see?"

I paused. "If you wake up later today and I'm gone, I'll probably be on my way to my house," I told him, and he nodded, awknowledging that I will have left him by morning.


So the next chapters gonna be really long so I made this one pretty short. Just to let you guys know kind of what's happening, so you're not like completely confused lol. and you get the jist of Sam and Shawn's relationship. anyway hope you liked it either way.


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