What a Day

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Sam's POV

No, I did not quit Magcon.

It was the meds. They didn't completely flush out of my system, and I was still so up and down from them that I made that stupid speech to Shawn and he went and told Matthew. They're both dumbasses for believing me, I swear.

Since then, when Matthew came to my house and talked me out of leaving Magcon, Magcon Chicago had already came and went. After I explained to all the guys what really happened with that entire situation (which turned out to be an hour long lecture), we were all back on the same page and I was feeling better than ever, to be quite honest. Shawn and I were definitely getting closer- if you know what I mean- and that was definitely adding to my steady happiness. It was now Sunday, the day we get to relax after 2 huge shows. Usually we stay in all day on this day, just winding down after a hectic weekend.

Shawn was back to his normal self, his arm was totally healed since yesterday when they took the metal thing out of his tricep for good. It was 6:30 PM and we decided to go out for a skate.

"Just one confession I have to make," He said as I grabbed my purple penny and he took a blue one from Jack Johnson. "I don't actually know how to ride this thing."

I gave him an "are you serious" face and giggled, until he started to turn a light shade of pink and I told him;

"I'll teach you, it's easy."

I brought him down to the lobby of our Chicago hotel with my arm linked in his, skipping about. Once we got outside, the sun was beginning to set and I thought, aw, how romantic.

I set down the board and tried to teach him how to even stand on it, but he was too wobbily and unstable.

"Can you not stay balanced for 2 seconds?" I asked him sarcastically, even though it seemed he really couldn't.

"I'm sorry, I think my feet are too big," My eyes followed his gaze downwards to the board, or rather the feet trying to stay on the board. He was right, his black vans covered the entire plastic thing, visible spots of blue here and there but not many visible. Seems a penny's too small for his large feet. I laughed to myself because of my dirty mind. Oh well, we'll still give it a try.

"Focus!" I let him hold onto my arm for support as he was trying his best not to fall off the board. "Now, put your left foot at the top most part of the board and push with your right," I instructed him and pushed him on his way, like a mother bird pushes her baby out of the nest. I watched him with accomplished eyes and clapped and cheered him on until he reached the corner. I forgot I didn't tell him how to turn but he figured it out, almost crashing into the cabs down the street. On his way back, he flew off the penny after hitting a steep bump in the sidewalk and the board soared into a tree while Shawn fell straight onto his back.

I ran to him but when I reached him he was laughing with tears in his eyes.

"Don't-" he couldn't catch a breath from chuckling so hard. "Say any-thing," I began laughing with him and layed next to him to empathize with him in the middle of the sidewalk in Chicago, like a couple of lunatics.

"You're bleeding," I told him, referring to the blood coming from his eyebrow. Catching his breath from the laughter he told me it was nothing and swiped at my hand when I tried to help clean him up. I propped myself up on my elbows and wiped his eye with the sleeve of my shirt. I know, gross, but it'll wash out. His eyes made me lean in and kiss him softly as a thanks for fixing him up.

We stood up, brushed ourselves off, and searched for the board, which I remembered flying into a tree off the side of the main road.

"There!" I pointed up to it like I point at the stars. By now it was dark, and it was like I really was pointing at the stars because they were all out and about, shining and shit. Shawn lifted me up onto his shoulders and I just barely snatched it with the tips of my fingers. Of course, it slipped through my hands and came crashing down on poor Shawn's head, and his eyebrow continued to bleed.

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