Who's POV?

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Cameron's POV

As all the guys and I were suspended in the waiting room for the nurse to give us the news on Shawn's condition, I couldn't help but really think over what had just happened.

Weirdest shit ever, man.

I had found Shawn bleeding out on the floor wrapped around Sam, who was helplessly gasping for breath that she, for the life of her, could not hold onto. And I couldn't help but wonder what the hell they were talking about when she was telling him stuff. There were just so many questions, I really didn't know. 

After a while I had to do something about Shawn's bleeding, it was getting worse than my foot when I had to get stitches and it grossed me out just to look at it. We made it to the hotel and I was about to tell Shawn we were going to the hospital when he asked me if he had to get stitches. I don't think he heard mey answer though, because next thing you know his blood's covering the floor. Gilinsky and I had to carry him onto the elevator and into the limo, which took us all to the hospital. Which is where we are now. 

Aaaaand my thoughts went back to where this all happened. I opened the door to that abandoned building and we ended up here. Well, Shawn and Sam ended up here. I could tell some of the other guys were getting a little suspicious of their relationship. I didn't really know exactly what they thought of it, but I knew they knew something was up. Sam was so easily calmed by Shawn, he somehow seemed to know exactly what to do to cure her hyperventilation. He held her so comfortably in his arms it almost seemed routine to him. Sam had no objection of him holding her, but every time someone else came near her she flared up again in sighing breaths. 

Shawn made a motion for us to just back off, but it seemed when I came by her she didn't get scared like she did with all the other guys. I approached Shawn and explained how we should really get to the hotel, and he let us lead him to the limo Carter called and eventually upstairs towards our room. 

Yeah, that's how we got here. Pretty hectic day if you ask me. 

Gilinsky's POV

This one time, I felt completely helpless to Sam. She was practically dying on the floor when I saw her in that building, and when I started to come closer to her to help I was shooed away by Shawn's shaking hand and the fact that Sam started to wheeze even harder. 

I just wanted the best for her. Don't ask me why I'm so protective over her, I just am. And I know she's still mad about that one time I got drunk and stupid but that sure as hell wasn't going to stop me from trying to comfort her. But Shawn was kinda the one that prevented me from that. It seemed was getting even more defensive of Sam than I was. That was weird.

We all sat in the waiting room silently. We didn't know what to do with ourselves. I personally had no clue what I could do anymore. 

Nash's POV

Honestly, I'm not quite sure what happened. One second we were all having a good time in this old deserted place and the next I see Cameron running towards a broken-doored room with screaming and crying coming from it. I knew we lost Sam, but I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to find her. Yeah, I was totally wrong. Did anyone even think to call her? They must have, I mean we all had service. She must not have answered because we sent out some sort of search and rescue party and that's when everything went to hell in a handbasket. 

Matthew's POV

The worry is absolutely real right now. Sam's in the hospital, Shawn's in the hospital, and they seemed closer than ever at this point. I wanted to be the one holding onto Sam, caressing her hair like stupid Shawn was. He was there every time that it should've been me. Every time! And every time I came one step closer to her she seemed to get more uncomfortable so I stopped trying. I just stood there, and Carter was looking at me funny, but I didn't make a single noise. What was I supposed to do? I was completely weak in this situation, powerless. And it made me so freakin' mad. 

Sammy's POV

Today was just trippy. I didn't really know what was going on half the time we were in that stupid old building. I was on my phone the whole time because what do I care about an old building? 

But then Sam started freaking out and Shawn was bleeding and soon we were at the hospital and here I am explaining this whole thing that you probably already know.

Carter's POV

I don't really have an opinion on this whole thing, but when the guys started whispering about Sam and Shawn while we were in that building I realized what they were saying was true. I silently agreed with all their comments about how odd it was that Shawn was the only one allowed near her, otherwise she started to hyperventilate again. 

I agreed because it was odd, nobody really seemed to care except Matt. The only way I knew that was because I had his signs of jealousy down. I've been his roommate and best friend for the longest time now and I know that when he bites his nails he's nervous, when he overreacts he's trying to impress someone and when he gets really quiet he's jealous. So when I stood next to him watching Shawn cradle Sam as he calmed her down and Matt didn't say a word, I knew something was up.

Johnson's POV

Yeah, what happened today was pretty fucked up. But there's not much I can say about it, other than I think Shawn and Sam are a thing. 

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