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Ria's pov

I bought food from the hospital canteen, and the smell of the hospital, oh my god.Yesterday night, Hardik left because it was 1.30am and he had to leave, he needs rest.And yesterday we talked so much, like so much. We are again best friends. And to be honest, I really missed him, missed him so much. I busted yesterday, crying and he comforting me, you know he's the best in comforting. "You know I missed you so much these days" I said him yesterday. "I was afraid, what if you don't recognise me, I would have cried so much if you haven't recognised me" I said him, but he didn't reply anything. He said he changed his number and gave me his new number. I started following him in instagram, twitter and gave a friend request in Facebook.
We shared our happiness, sadness and many more, he said he'll invite me to his home once my grandpa gets well.

I didn't sleep properly yesterday night, I was actually really happy that I met my old, best friend.

"Arjun, can we take grandpa home?" I asked him, who just went to settle the bill amount.
"Yea, we can" he said and after few minutes we took a private auto and went to home. The driver stopped the auto in front the big gate and it's our home. Mum and dad were told about grandpa's situation and they were proud that we both are taking care of grandpa. We slowly took grandpa into the home the to his room.
"Arjun, I'll go and refresh myself. Amd after I come here you go, okay?" I asked Arjun and he understood me.
"Okay" he nodded.

And now I went to my room and undressed myself inside the bathroom and took a hot, long shower. And when I came out of the bathroom covered by that white towel around me, my phone stared ringing and the caller id flashed, it was Arjun. Err... why does he wanna hurry. "I'll come in ten minutes" I said hima and disconnected the call. And after few minutes I went and took care of my grandparents.

~time skip~

I am now laying on my bed, I had a thought of calling Hardik and I did.
"Hey yar" he said.
"Hi boy, how's aunty, uncle and bada bhai?" I asked him.
"You didn't go to the college?" He asked.
"Idiot, today's Saturday" I said him.
"Oh!! Okay. So, you say Krunal as bada bhai?" He asked.
"Because he's older than me" I said him.
"I'm too older than you, call me bhai" he said.
"I won't" I argued.
"You should"
"I won't"
"You should"
"BHAI" I finally said "Are you happy? Idiot" I said him.
"Hehe" he giggled.
"Okay, so why did you call me?" I asked him.
"What? Are you mad? You are the one who called me" he said. Oh oh!! I actually forgot I called him.
"Okay, the why did you call me?" He asked.
"Nothing, just to say thanks for donating blood to my dear grandpa" I said him.
"Friends don't say thanks or sorry!" He said, he's back to the form
"Oh okay" I said.
"Hey so can we meet tomorrow?" He asked me.
"Um... tomorrow?" I asked thinking if I have any plan.
"I know you won't be busy, so tomorrow I'll come to home, see grandpa, grandma and Arjun then we'll go out, okay?" He said in one breath.
"Okay, I'll message you the timing" I said him.
"Okay, anything more to talk?" He asked.
"If we talk now, I won't have anything to ask to you tomorrow so I'll hang up, bye" I said.
"Okay, bye. Take care of grandpa and you" he said and hung up.

I was thinking what time we should meet. Though I know I don't have any plans, I was thinking very deeply.

Okay, I end ot here.
I'll try to update soon.
And I'm really so happy that this book #40 in Chicklit
Thanks a lot guys.
Hope you all like my book.
And please read......
●Hardik Pandya imagines
○All for our Pandya
●His love life

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