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Ria's pov

Yesterday night, chatted with Mayur, for the first time.
Woke up just now and feeling sleepy. This is me whenever I wake up.

I was feeling nothing. The first thought came to my mind was Hardik. Yes!!! Hardik. I really don't know what is he doing now. Okay, let me not think now about, I just don't want me sad in tye start of the day. I went inside the bathroom, brushed my teeth finished the morning chorus everything and came down for coffee.

Arjun wasn't there, he didn't wake up still. And I don't want to wake him. I went to kitchen and made coffee for me.
"Should I make for Arjun?" I asked myself aloud.
"Certainly" he said, Arjun said.
"Where were you?" I asked him.
"Garden" he said as he came inside the kitchen and sat on the slab.
"Breakfast?" I asked him.
"As usual" he said.
"You make it" I said him.
"We'll make it" he said.
"Good" I said and he caught my ears.
"Heyyyyy...leave me. Leave me, leave me" I said.
"So you are 20" he said.
"And you are 27" I said him.
"As if I asked" he said.
"You know we are idiot" I said him.
"I know it already" he said and we both laughed.

I went to take bath now, AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED.

There was a call I think, someone called me.
When I came out after bathing I saw it. That was my bestie Mishti, my mishu. Mishti+Ria=fun.

"Hi dear" I said as soon as I attended the call.
"Hi Ria. You know we are writing exam?" She said and I became nervous.
"Ya, so what" I asked her.
"The matter I wanna say you is I'm in love!" She exclaimed.
"Oh my god!!!!!!!" I freaked. You mean she got a boy. She got a boy to love, hse got a boy to share everything with, she got a BOY.
"C'mon na, he's charming!"she said.
"So that's the reason you love him?" I asked her.
"Not really!" She said.
"Okay we'll talkrest of the matter in college, now a bye" I said as soon as I cut the call.

Even the girl who spends almost all her time with me, got a guy, I'm still SINGLE.


After this whenever I post a new pic in instagram I will surely insert this hashtag, till I get an answer from him, HIM!!! Who's he????? Again him! Shit forget him.

When I opened instagram, I sawi got so many messages.
I clicked it and saw Mayur and Mishti and some requests. I one by one read and allowed some and declined some. I declined those rubbish messages like 'Hi' from stranger. I hate if it's a guy.
I scrolled and liked few pics. And I'm not allowed to like that idiot's pic. I unfollwed him. That was hard.

Then I sent few messages to Mayur.

Me: Hi.

I sent, he didn't see.

Me: Hi Mayur.

Again no reply.

Me: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii yar.
U thereeeee?????????
I'm Ria
Forgot meeeee???

I sent so many, I do things like this when I don't get reply as soon as I message. Finally I dressed up and was standing in front of the mirror and saw myself.
"You so beautiful" I said to myself.
"Think positive, he won't reject you" I said this too.

So chap ends here.
A boring one.
I'll make it interesting soon. Please bear with me

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