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Ria's pov

~after few mouths~

'Some people come into your life just to teach you who's real and who's fake'

I went inside the wash room inside the plane. I'm now travelling to Venice just to travel this #singlesincebirth life. I know this place is so lovely. And then my next destination is to Canberra, Australia, and then to Russia and then to Germany.

You know I want some distraction. I don't want get married but I just wanna go round the world like I'm doing.

It few hours to reach Venice. And the next destination is going to Venice's beautiful beach.

And I loved this already. That was evening, about to sunset. It we beautiful and when the sun was about to set I took it a picture.

 It we beautiful and when the sun was about to set I took it a picture

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I love this place already and now.

I was enjoying every part of my distraction

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I was enjoying every part of my distraction. You know I'm a human too and a human needs distraction.

I've got a letter from a MNC before two days. My bro just phone called me and said this to me.I was selected and I had to go to interview on 2nd November. But you know I already have a right decision in my mind which no one knows, my bro says me to go to job. But here my mom, I don't know why is she so eager to get me married. I'm tired of "I'm not interested in marrying now" dialogue.

Hardik's pov

"Mumma, please I'm just 24 and you say I wanna get married, mumma please listen, I now have a great support from the senior cricket players, I just want to continue till like 28 or 30, because first I'll settle in my life and then I'll get married as you like, so please understand, please mumma" I explained to my mom.

It's just I don't wanna get married now whomever the girl is. Because my career is going a pretty good and now I'm also selected in 20-20 match with New Zealand. I should make records to make my position necessary in the ICT. I want Virat bhai to be proud of me. I want my family, my friends, my well wishers and each-and-every fanto be proud about me.

Okay, leave it. My mom will surely agree to my decision. If she doesn't agree I will make her accept.

~after a week~

"Harry!!!!" Ria screamed.

"My Sejal" I laughed with so much love for her.

"Yes, your Sejal. I love you Harry" Says Ria.

"Baby, we'll make it out, I'll talk to Krunal soon about our marriage" I say.

"I love you so much baby" she says.

I doozed off after the heavy meal. I had this sort of dream, what the??? What does this mean?? I was so much confused now. This life!!! Hayes me so much.

"Bhai" I called Krunal.

"Kya Hardik?" he stood in front of me as if he was the most coolest human being in this world.

"Kuch nahi. Ja" I was irritated.

You know that dream was suspicious. What does that dream mean actually? Okay let me not think too much!!!! If we are meant to be in love we will be.

Sorry for this freaking chap. It's coming to an end. Thanks for being there for me.

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