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Ria's pov

Was my eyes okay??
Or did I see something?

I had changed my number to avoid him. But "It's Hardik".
I saw.

Wtf is with my eyes??? How the heck did he get my number. Was it from Mayur.

And why am I so much on Mayur these days?

Because he.... He proposed me.
Yes, he proposed me. But I said him we'll stay as friends, and I know how much it hurts to be like this.

Because once you start feeling love towards someone, you can't or never think them as your friend. Experience speaks.

I texted Hardik.

"I still love you"

He saw the message but no reply.

"Why do you love me so much?"

He asked.

I answered him.


That was my honest reply.

I end the chap here. I'll update the next chap only on my Diwali holidays. So, please be patient. Thanks all.....

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