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Hardik's pov

This girl was crying, sobbing, weeping...... god!!!

We are now at the parking lot, inside my car.

"RK. That guy is totally idiot" I said her, not even knowing who he is.

"He's an idiot!" She said sniffing.

"I hate seeing my best friend crying, stop crying, he isn't worth of crying" I said her.

"Do you know him?" She asked me.

"No yar, but you know you are always a winner, not a loser" I said her.

"But I'm not winning always Hardik" she meant something.

"Don't worry, you'll win in your life" I said her, I totally meant the future.

"I want to" she said hugging me.

I hugged her in return.

"Shall we make a move?" I asked her.

She nodded.

I dropped her to her home, she went inside like nothing happened and we planned to meet tomorrow again with Pankhuri, Mayur and Vaibhav.

And today I soon went to sleep, because I felt so sleepy.

I made sure if RK is okay, then I dozed off.

And I was woken up by Krunal, playing the music loudly, god! He has this habit of playing music loudly even the next street can hear it.

Playing the song Hawayien.

"Krunal bhai, please" I yelled as loud as I can so that I could be heard louder than the music.

He opened the door and asked "What?"

"Please reduce the sound" I said him and did my morning routine.

As I said he had reduced the sound and the song which is going now's Cutiepie.

I came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth.

The first thing came that day happened was RK.

I received a call from her which made me smile.

"Good morning bestie" I said her cheerfully.

"Good morning, darling" she said rasing my mood.

"Okay now?" I asked her.

"Yeah, perfectly alright" she said.

"Again you and me today or any other?" she asked me.

"Krunal, Pankhuri, Mayur and Vaibhav" I said her.

"Omg!!!!! Mayur?" She asked.

"Yea" I said.

And you know she's afraid of Mayur for no reason.

"Haha" I laughed.

"Idiot. Bye" she said and ended the call.

After few hours, Mayur and me went to her home to pick her up, because she don't know where my house is.

When I was sitting on the sofa at the hall.

Her life sized photo was hanging of the big wall, beauty with no flaws.

"Mayur, why you both don't talk to each other" I asked him.

"Arjun!!!!!" She screamed.

Both our heads turned up as we heard it from there.

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