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Ria's pov

Uh!!!! What??? Harry????

I read further. Oh!! I forgot my ice cream.

I want to the kitchen and opened my mango juice and poured it on my vanilla ice cream. I then went to my room and kept the ice cream bowl on my dressing table.

I tore the sealed letter and took the paper which was inside the cover.

My dear RK,

                If I had phone called you, I know you are freaking busy and you wouldn't have picked my call. So that's the reason I dropped this letter. That delivery boy freaked!! I know!!
         So, How are you?? I'm missing you so much. I want you back in my life. The day when you did 'NO HUMAN CAN TAKE TRUE LOVE' I was actually amazed that my Ria can think so deep like this.
          But to my awe, you said I'll never get a friend like you and you spoke the reality. I regret for rejecting you. I mostly soliloquy when I'm alone. I one day felt your love, it was so deep.
             I realised that yours was the true love that I never got from any girl. I'm literally confused, I'm happy that my best friend some how loves me. But at the same time I'm confused, I don't know why but I'm confused.
                  You know each and everything about me though you love me. I know everything about you and I wanna ask you for a dinner date tomorrow. Can you please???❤❤

With love❤,
Hardik Himanshu Pandya

I read and was crying. I wanna meet him, right now. I searched for my mobile.


'Phone?? Yar where are you????' I yelled.

I got it. Finally, from bath room.

I dailed to Hardik.

"Pick up, pick up, where the hell are you? Attend the call" I freaked.

"The number you've dailed is busy, please try again later"

Eww.... I seriously hate this dialogue when I'm calling for something so much important.

I again tried.

This time I heard someone's voice.

"Hello. Hardik" I said.

"Madam, sir is practising" A male voice said.

"And you?" I asked to that human being.

"I'm Hardik's manager" he said.

"Oh!! Well!! When he'll finish his practise?" I asked his manager.

"Hahaha" was all I can hear.

Uh!! What????
I'm here talking seriously but there is a roar of laughter??

"Hardik?" I asked in a doubtful tone.

"Jasprit" the male said.

"What?? Where is Hardik????" I freaked.

"He's practising, left hand batting!!" Jasprit said.

"Oh!! Please say him that I called him" I said to him.

"By the way, you are his?" Jasprit asked.

"I'm his friend" I said him.

"Okay" he said and ended the call.

So, my Mr. Pandya is practising. And I know that they are at Mumbai.

I again called him and now It was picked up by Shikar.

"Hello" I said.

"Hello whomever. Hardik Pandya is busy practising, please try again later" said and ended the call.

Urgh....!!! What sort of reply was that?? He didn't even let me utter a word.

"Hello, Mr. Freaking cricketer whomever, please say me the place where you are practising?!?!" I said as soon as the person attended the call.


Uh!!! Did I hear him??? My Hardik Pandya.

"Where the hell are you now?" I asked him, fake anger.

"Xyz stadium" he said and the next second I went to the garden took my scooty and rushed there.

I was riding the scooty very fast and i reached there in 10 minutes.

I want inside the stadium pushing the guards out of my force.

Oh!!! Let me go!!! I'm going there for my LOVE!!!!!!!

"HARDIK" I shouted.

He turned to me. He did something with his phone and the result was....... I got a call.

I attended.

"Come here" I ordered.

"Okay wait" I got a reply.

I saw him running towards me and I felt like the hero in the movies that run to the heroine.😂😂😂

I was smiling when I saw his smile.

"Run girl" my subconscious said.

Oh yeah!!! I have got to run for my hero.

I ran in slow motion, and I thought he would lift me up in the air but everything he was.......

Dragged me to the dressing room.

"I love you....... idiot" I added idiot because I don't wanna be formal.

And now, he hugged me tight.

'Were you only imaginary' now got out of my mind.

"You are not my imagination anymore!!" I said to him as we broke our tight hug.

"Inside my mind, we're already together!!!" He said looking down, little shy.

Aww... cute!!!!!

"I love you" I said.

"Dinner date? Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Sure cricketer!!" I freaked.

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