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Hardik's pov

I finally said to Mayur. I said him I kissed her. That wasn't my fault. And not her fault too. That was an accident.

We are meant to meet today, but I don't know why she would say.

"Ria, I'm sorry. I wanna meet you" I messaged.

"And it will be out final talk. I don't ever wanna meet you again in my life" she replied.

Actually what's she thinking????

"I WANNA MEET YOU" I tested.

"OKAY" she replied.

I quickly rushed to her home.

I was at her door. I knocked the door and after few seconds I saw her at the door. She was there finally.

Finally I saw her!!!

"Hey" I excitedly said.

"Come in" she said and I want.

"So, umm, how's life going?" I asked the idiotic question.

"Are you and Hardik? You say you don't love me but why the hall did you kiss me when we were inside the car?? You know you are so confusing" she fumed in anger.

"I'm sorry yar" I laughed.

"How can you even laugh, I'm inside dying and how can you laugh like nothing happened?? Are you mad?? Why the hell are you making me to crazy when I think about you" she finally finished.

"Kyaa hua chooti?? What did I do?" I asked.

"What you didn't do??? You did everything and standing in front of my like you did nothing and even asking what you did" she turned her face towards the other side.

Man, c'mon she's scolding me😂😂.


She's not normal. She's hyper😂😂

"You've changed!!" I stated.

"You made me" she said. That deep statement made an great impact on me. I changed her???

"You changed me in between this 1 year. You changed me to an idiotic stalker. You made me love everything about your posts, you even made me to stalk your account in between these years, you are the reason for this change. No mistakes in me" she ended.

"Babes, you make me smile" I said.

"I hate you, idiot'

"So okay babe. I should say this to you. I just love the playful way you are. I said I have a surprise, right?" i stated.

"And what is that?"


I end the chap here.

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