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Hardik's pov

I wanna meet her, I wanna talk with her, I gotta do it, I should.
I just made a call to her, it was saying 'The number you have dailed is currently busy, please try again later' Shit.
What the hell is she doing? After few minutes I again dialed, the same response "Where on the earth are you, Ria" I spoke out loud.

I was pissed off by this girl.
I texted and mesaaged in all the social networks.

"Ria, I wanna meet you? Are you free?" I sent her, in all the networks possible.
It was already 8 in the evening. Mumma called me to eat the dinner, Krunal was out for his friend's party. Mom and I was at the home.

"Kyaa hua beta?" Mom asked.
"Kuch nahi ma" I said. Actually what's wrong with me. I faked a smile to mom.
I ate the food.
I went to my room and saw if she had replied. But she hasn't, what the fc*k is with you, Ria.
I made a call to Pankhuri, and asked about Ria. She said Ria changed her number. I noted her number and WhatsApped her.

I messaged her.

Me: Hey Ria.

I saw her dp, no dp. Yes, no dp.

Please reply miss Ria. Here a man is dying for your reply. Okay, I regret, for saying something idiotic like that. But please at least reply na.

It was perfectly 9.58 p.m. now and still I didn't get a reply from her, she didn't even see.

I was pissed, I made a decision, only after getting reply from her, I'll sleep.

I switched on the tv and was changing channels, I saw nothing, changing channels.

And that's when my phone pinged.

'Message from Ria Kapoor' it showed, iphone user na.

She replied.

Ria: Sry, may I know who's this?

Shall I prank??? Yes, that way she will at least scold me.

Me: Baby, u dono know me? I said I changed my no right, how can u ask ur boyfriend a question like dis, it hurts.

I sent. Lolz what did I just do????

Ria: Sry, wrong number, I guess.

Gosh, no it's me, Hardik.

Me: Baby, y dont u believe me, I said I changed the no. It's your boyfriend.

You know, I'm an idiot.

Ria: I have who the fc*k you are.

Lol!!!! Finally.

Me: Thank god, you finally did.

How did she guess?????

Ria: Mayur, stop pranking, I found out. Stop it.

Okay should I revile who I'm.

Me: It's Hardik

I typed.

I end this chap here.
Will Ria meet Hardik.
How's the chap????
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