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Ria's pov

It was 2.00 p.m. And we were on Krunal bhai's room. We all became a chatter box, and Hardik was trying to know why I'm afraid of Mayur. And I really don't know why, but when ever he's around, I easily get nervous.And Nalini ma suddenly opened the door and everyone remained silent for a minute.

"Scared?" Nalini ma asked.

"Mom, please knock the door before you enter" Krunal said.

"Okay, so now everyone come to eat, lunch is prepared!" Nalini ma said.

"Yea, sure" we said in unison.

"Hey, let's go and wash our hands" Pankhuri called me with her because she is a person who never goes anywhere alone. Just like me.

I followed her inside the bathroom. We both washed our hands and we went to eat, god the guy I'm afraid of was sitting beside me.

I was eating nervously. Hardik was making fun of me. Gosh.... he's so cute, wait, what happened to me actually??
Why do I feel like this now???

Urgh... I was feeling inconvenient with the every bite I took.

"Any problem beta?" Nalini ma asked.
"Nahi ma" I said and continued eating.
After those horrible 5 minutes I finished my lunch and went to wash my hands.

Then we all went to Hardik's room now where there were few pictures hanging of Krunal bhai and him. Those happy smiles!!!

"So what are we gonna do now guys?" Mayur asked.

"I don't know, RK said she has a plan ask her" Hardik said.

I glared at him like better-die-in-my-hands.

"What's your plan?" Mayur asked me.

"I.....I.... I do.....Don't.....know" I stammered.

"I want to talk to Hardik personally guys, if you all don't mind" I said and dragged him to Krunal bhai's room and shut the door and locked it.

"Are you idiot? You already know I'm afraid of Mayur, and why are you trying these sort of things, I really don't know what I should speak to him, I'm feeling inconvenient and uncomfortable when he's around, please understand it Hardik" I angrily busted.

"What's your problem actually? Why are you afraid of Mayur?! He's such a good guy, you know" Hardik said. And I was standing like he's not asking me, but a wall.

"I don't have any problem, I'm just afraid to face him" I said.

"You can solve this if you both talk to each other and become friends" he said.

"It's okay yar, I don't want to" I said him.

"Better talk to him or never talk to me" he said.

"What?!??!!!!! Are you mad?! I'm saying I'm afraid of Mayur" I yelled.

"Talk to him and everything will get to normal" said Hardik.

"I'll try" I said in a annoying tone.

"You should" he said and dragged me inside.

"Okay! Mayur, feel free to talk to her, okay?" Hardik asked.

"Sure!!" Mayur said.

"What's the problem between you guys" Vaibhav asked.

"It's not a problem actually, she's just afraid of him" Hardik said.

"Afraid of me?!!!!" Mayur freaked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why" I said him.

He didn't answer anything.

After some fine talks about our childhood, we were tired and Vaibhav, Krunal and Hardik were already sleeping.

Pankhuri and me went out to the garden and we sat on a chair which was on his garden.

"Hey, I'm bored!" She said.

"Me too yar" I said her.

"So, seems like Mayur is interested in you" she said.

"What?? Are you nuts? We even don't know each other" I said her. But why the hell is she talking like this???

"God!!!!!! What's with your reaction?!" She started laughing.
I slapped her shoulder and said "You idiot!"

We were just talking idiotically like how our marriages should go and we were talking about the expected groom, and many like that..........

And after it was 4.30 we went inside the home because it started raining. There now, Mayur was awake. And every other boys were still sleeping.

"I'm sleepy Ria" she said and laid on the sofa.

I took my phone from my yellow colour sling bag, and when I unlocked my phone I saw so many notifications.

mayurmetha_official started following you,was one of those important notifications

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mayurmetha_official started following you,was one of those important notifications.
I saw Mayur in a shocked way. He just had a smile.
"Thanks" I said him.
"Not going to follow in return?" He asked.
I quickly touched the follow, and gave a smile, he smiled back.

Soon I got a direct message(dm) from him.

'What's your number?' I got a message from Mayur.

I messaged him my number.

'Will message on WhatsApp!' He texted back.

'Okay' I replied.

So this idiotic chap ends here.
Thanks for waiting patiently.
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