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Hardik's pov

Before it was 5.00. I woke up. There was a complete silence in my room. I woke and sat on the place where I was sleeping, just getting into senses, so that I can realise what's going around. Pankhuri was still sleeping, actually when did she sleep?! Mayur was not to seen, Vaibhav was at the balcony talking to someone, maybe bhabi. "Champ! You woke up" Krunal asked. "Yea" I answered him and went inside the bathroom to wash my face. Where's my RK?? I thought when I came inside the bathroom, I washed my face and went outside the bathroom and asked Krunal "Where's Ria?".
"She's finally talking to Mayur" he said.
I smiled and said "God!! She's idiot".
"Okay c'mon let's go down" he said and we went down.

I saw RK on talking to someone seriously, and you know when your friend is serious and when you are in a jolly mood you will definitely laugh. And so I did.

I went and greeted my mom a hi and then Krunal and my mom started talking. I just came and sat near RK.

"You okay?" I mouthed.
She just said shhh....keeping her finger on her lips.
I kept my ears near her phone. "What are you....???" She freaked. I blinked both my eyes, she finished speaking to that important someone and said "Idiot".
"Your favorite idiot" I side hugged her "And is that person in the phone more important than me?" I asked her.
"She's my classmate yar" she said hugging me.
"Okay is that classmate important than me?" Me again.
"What should I answe now?" She asked me.
"I thought you would say I'm more important" I said her.
"God!!! You are more important. Okay?" She said rolling her eyes. I again gave a rib breaking hug.
"I can't breathe" she said and I broke our hug.
"I love you my dear friend" I said her.
She replied nothing and after few minutes she said "Me too, dear" she said.

Ria's pov

"I love you my dear friend" he said.

My thought was not with me now, I was just lost in my la la la land..... If he said me just 'I love you' without that 'my dear friend'. I would have slapped him in surprise, excitement and I would have kissed him and accepted his love. But!!!!! He said me 'MY DEAR FRIEND'. I'm not sure what I feel, I not sure if this is true love or not, I know it will take time to show effect on me, if it's true love, then I'll probably be in my imaginary world. But......I'm still in a wavering mind, what if he doesn't accept my love, what if he doesn't talk to me after I propose, these thoughts feared me, and then I said "Me too.... dear".

He gave me a tight hug, I felt his warmth.
Simple, like all girls, I too expect that I would stay forever like this. Gosh these thoughts.

'He's just a crush' my brain said.
'You felt love after all' my heart says.

We were still in the hug.

'How do you think he'll accept you as your girlfriend, whom he saw as a bestie' my brain again.
'He's your friend and he knows everything about you, he'll accept' heart said.
'Don't go in a wrong way, what if he wouldn't' brain again.

"SHUT UP, both of you" I mentally screamed.

"Hey you okay?" Hardik asked.

God!! Did he hear me???

"Hardik......" I wanted say him that I want to talk to him personally, but I can't.
"Yes" he said.
"I'm okay" I said him, I really didn't know what to say that second.

I wanted to embrace him tight and say him that 'I'm not okay, I'm not sure if this is true love' But what about him, he too has a heart, he too has expectations, he has the whole right to reject me. After all I'm just Ria Kapoor, who is his friend.

But at the other side, my heart said 'If you love him say him, maybe he too loves you'. I'm confused, confused like hell. I finally decided to listen to my heart.

'You both were friends from childhood, how do you think, he'll reject your love for him' my heart said.

I thought he was more than a friend and less than a boyfriend, HALF BOYFRIEND???

Uff.... so I end this chap here.
Hope you all are liking the book?
And please say me, is my plot guessable???
Urgh..... actually I wanted to publish this yesterday night, but sleep is equal important so I didn't.
Anyway happy reading.

Do read my book
○His love life
○All for our Pandya
○Hardik Pandya imagines

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