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Ria's pov

Shut up! Shut up brain! I know to take my own decisions, if I had to face difficulties now, I can and I will. I'm brave enough to face whatever happens to me. I don't mind if I die the next second. He just said 3 years, it's a long time, but that's okay. Because Good things happen to be those who wait. Let me wait, let me har the answer which I want from him, I want only that. No texts, no phone calls, then how will I know about him? It's tough, I know life I tough, but everything has a end.

"Hey, you okay?" Krunal bhai asked. He doesn't know anything happened between Hardik and me. I realised he asked me the question for the third time. "Fine,bhai" I said Krunal bhai. "Seems like you are thinking something deep!" He was correct.
"Yea, bhai. Tomorrow I had to go to college, I would miss you all right" I lied, purely. I'll miss Hardik anyway.

Soon we reached home. I waved bhai and went inside my home and saw Arjun aka my sweetest bro with his laptop. Busiest freak.

"Hey, Aju!" I said as if nothing happened.
"How was your day?" He asked.
"No that good" I said him. Oh! Shit! I didn't lie, I said the truth, he will ask several questions now.
"Why sis? Didn't enjoy with friends?" He asked.
"Yea, I did, but I was feeling tired the whole day" I lied. Because I just don't want anyone to know what happened between Hardik and me. "Okay, I'll go change and sleep. Good night bro" I said and walked upstairs.

That sucks, when you are so sad, dull, useless inside but have to act all okay outside hiding all your pain, that sucks. I have seen all those painful love stories, but now I understand that pain.

But c'mon we have to move on. It's not a big deal. Anyway he'll talk to you after those fine three years.-my heart said.

First time experiencing CRUSH FAILURE.

Mayur's pov

When I suddenly opened the door, they both stood hugging each other, so I thought if texting her.

Me: Hi.

After few minutes it had blue ticks and showed typing.

Ria: Hi Mayur.

I saw her message message.

Me: Didn't sleep?

I clicked the send button.

Ria: Yea, gonna sleep. Anything important?

I saw the message, never want to ignore a message like this.
I had nothing important but I wanted to chat with her

Me: It would be silly, but can I ask u smthing?

I pressed the send button and it in a second showed
those blue ticks.

Ria: Sure, just go ahead

So I typed these

Me: Can we be frnds?

I know that was silly, too much silly, though
we are friends now.

Ria: Ya, we r already friends na

That was amazing, I made a new friend

Me: Btw sry for disturbing ur sleep

Ria: Friends don't say sory or tq. Understand?

She was amazing already

Me: So ok yar, good night. Bye bye

I sent

Ria: Ok, gn sd

This chap ends here.
How was that people.
And thanks all. It's already #35 in Chicklit.
Thanks again.
Thank for each and every vote, each and every readers.

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