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Ria's pov

We both were standing embracing each other.

"I'm sorry Hardik" I said him.

"Let's not talk for three years. It's not like a let-it-go thing, I'm serious" he said.

My eyes started to get wet, my eyes was crying, and not me.
It was perfectly outlined by tears, I was controlling, it was paining, I was controlling so much, that I shouldn't cry in front of him.

"See don't cry, It's nothing. I'm sorry, if you do something like this, how will I concentrate in my game. It's so much important RK, I think you understand" he said.

"I ruined our friendship" I pushed him sniffing "I'm not worthy to be your friend, Hardik, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said this, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" I said what I felt.

I was feeling guilty, that I can't talk seeing his eyes.

"Ria, see this is final, let's not talk with each other for three years, if after three years-" he was cut off by me.

I closed my eyes and kissed him on his cheeks. A sorry kiss moreover.

He hugged me again. And suddenly the door opened. It was.... it was Mayur.

We quickly released ourselves from the hug.

"Bhai?!" He was shocked to see us.
"Ma.. Mayur" was everything Hardik could say.

"Mayur, don't mistake anything, it was just a friendly hug" I explained. "Because he's going to leave to.... leave to Kolkata for his match, right. So that was just a friendly hug" I said.

"Ria, I didn't ask anything, why are you nervous" he asked.

"No it's nothing" I said him and wiped the sweat and went out of the room.

God!!! What am I doing? I was an idiot in front of Mayur. What if he thinks bad about me? But, why does that even matter, he's someone who I was not talking for years.

~After few hours~

It's time, time for everything to end. I was an idiot, most idiotic creature at that time. Everyone soon took their leave, after finishing the dinner. It was almost 9.45 p.m. and that was a little late. I came with Hardik and now with whom should I go?
He said me not to talk to him for three years. I can't do it for even 3 days after we met, but now?!?!?

I took my phone and texted him.

Me: I apologise, but who will leave me to my home?

I saw those blue ticks but no reply, it hurts, hurts so much.

"Ria, it's time, can we go now?" Krunal bhai asked.

I saw Hardik who was standing on the staircase reacting nothing. At least say a good bye. You are breaking my heart. I just waved a bye. Sh*t I'm worst. I regret now. He is not even waving a last bye. It sucks. I hate you for this.

"I'm sorry, at least say a last bye of this year" I texted him quickly.
"Good bye" he replied and I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry" I mouthed him.


I was hurt, deeply hurt.
Unfortunately, I had to unfollow him in instagram, snapchat, twitter......

"But promise me that you won't get in any sort of relationship in between these 3 years" I texted as I got inside the car.

"Can we go?" Krunal bhai asked.

"Yea bhai"

So, the chap is over. And his answer will be in next chap. Thanks for all those people who have supported and supporting, thank you so much.
Do read my other works.
○His love life
○Hardik Pandya imagines
○All for our Pandya

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